She Aint You

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Lauren made her way down to meet the rest of the group in the hotel lobby.

"Is the taxi there" Lauren asked walking up to the group holding her suitcase

"Yea we were waiting on you" camila smiles

"Ok let's go" ally calls

Lauren spent most of the car ride with her ear phones in writing song lyrics down on her phone.

"Texting Kendall" camila asked timidly maintaining her glare out the car window.

"No actually I'm working on this song" Lauren replied locking her phone.

"Oh can I hear a bit?" Camila asked turning to look at Lauren.

"It's not finished yet I'll work on it on the plane it should be ready for when we're in the studio" Lauren smiled opening up her phone again

"Well I can't wait to hear it" camila said looking into her eyes for the first time since the night they'd spent together.

"Will they let me bring the key board onto the plane?" Lauren asked Normani

"Yea they should why do you play?" Normani replied

"Yea a bit I'm have this melody in my head I think it'll go with song I'm writing" Lauren spoke softly fixing her hair

"You write songs" ally exclaimed

"A bit not really" Lauren said shyly

"I can't wait to hear it" Normani replied

"I don't even know if I want to play it to anyone" Lauren sighed "our planes boarding come on guys"

Lauren packed her keyboard back into the case writing the final lyrics down in her song book.

"Finished?" Camila whispered sitting down beside Lauren trying not to wake the girls.

"Yea" Lauren let out a sigh of relief

"Have you decided if you're going to play it for us" camila smiled slightly

"I think.." Lauren paused "I think I am if I want to get it off my chest I think I have to release it in someway"

"Sounds deep" camila enquired "what's it about"

"Oh you know stuff" Lauren answered vaguely

"Really? Stuff? Is that all I'm going to get out of you?" Camila giggled

"I guess you'll just have to wait until I play it" Lauren laughed lightly back.

"So how's Kendall" camila asked looking down at her phone.

"She's good she's gonna meet me when she's back in la" Lauren smiled

"I'm glad you're happy" camila smiled looking up, Lauren noticed a glazed film forming over her eye. Camila looked down again trying to hide the tears forming.

"I know I never really had a chance to talk to you about it but was it my fault that you and Austin broke up?" Lauren asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"What?.. No.. I just realised I never really loved him and I didn't see the point of being with him if I didn't.." Camila paused, "I guess if I realised it was that easy earlier everything would be different"

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked confused

"It doesn't matter.." Camila smiled looking up again, "I'm gonna head to sleep I'll see when we land" she said before making her way back to her own seat.

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