Tour Break

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Lauren woke up in Kendall's hotel room the next morning. Drowsy from the night before she rolled around to face kendall who was already awake.

"Hey" kendall smiled, "tired?"

Lauren nodded.

"What's the plan for the day?"

"Well I was gonna go home spend sometime with the family they haven't really saw me much, you're here for the next three weeks aren't you?"

"Yea don't worry I think I can wait a couple of days to let you get back into your normal life again" Kendall smiled leaning forward to kiss lauren.

"Last night was fun" she smirked

"Yea?" Lauren quirked an eyebrow flirtatiously.

"I don't where that sudden roughness came from but I liked it" Kendall bit her lip kissing Lauren again.

Lauren moaned slightly during the kiss before breaking it.

"What time is it?"

"One" Kendall smiled leaning over to get her phone.

"Ugh I have to go" Lauren sighed.

"Not even enough time to say goodbye?" Kendall smirked kissing her neck.

"You know I want to but not if I want to keep my family waiting I mean theyre already pissed I had sex in their house if they found out I'm late for it I don't think they'd be able to look at me right for weeks" Lauren chuckled

"Ugh go before I regret it" Kendall laughed with her.

Lauren stood up looking. For clothes as kendall admired her from the bed.

"Babe stop checking me out" Lauren laughed not even turning round to look at her.

"How do you know I'm looking at you" Kendall smirked

"How could you not look at this" Lauren motioned her hand to indicate her body after putting on a t-shirt.

"True" Kendall giggled moving to the other side of the bed pulling her down by her waist.

"Don't go" she pouted placing a kiss on her arm.

"Babe" Lauren sighed moving slightly to put on her trousers.

"Can I at least see you tonight?"

"I'll try and sneak out but I can't guarantee it" she sighed

"Ok" Kendall smiled placing a quick kiss on Lauren's neck before sliding on her bra, "how are you going to hide them hickeys?"

"Are they bad?" Lauren exclaimed walking over to the mirror looking closer at the obvious marks, "oh fuck my parents are going to kill me"


"Babe" Lauren whined "I could kill you right now"

"Hey I didn't hear you complaining last night" Kendall smirked

"Ugh I have to go see you soon yea?" Lauren smiled blowing a kiss to kendall.

Lauren left the hotel room walking through the hall and lobby thinking about how she lied to kendall about her plans for the day. She knew that if she had told her she was going to see Camila they would fight so she decided not to tell her. Lauren fought the decision the entire car ride over to her house as she arrived she realised it was too late to change her mind.
Lauren payed the cab fair getting out of the taxi watching it drive away she sighed at the situation she got herself into.

Lauren took a deep breathe as she walked up the drive way to camila's parents house stoping at the door reconsidering her choices.

Lauren knocked the door waiting for Camila to answer it.

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