An Ep?

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Next morning-
"Seriously where did you guys go last night" Ally asked grabbing a slice of toast from the breakfast bar.

"A house party I didn't want to leave Camila by herself after the news yesterday" Lauren shrugged.

"Lauren we have press today we can't have a hung over Camila rolling in after the news that broke yesterday" Ally explained.

"Look don't worry she'll be fine I promise" Lauren half smiled.

"Nothing happened right?"

"What do you mean"

"At the party that could come back on her, pictures for example" ally's voice filled with concern.

"I don't think so" Lauren shook her head.

"Who's party was it"

"One of my old friends I hadn't seen her in ages but vero and all were there too"

"So nothing happened" ally confirmed.

"Oh stuff happened but that's up to camila to tell you about"

"Lauren we're all really worried" ally pleaded.

"I'm looking out for her trust me it's sorted" Lauren reassured.

Before ally could respond her phone bleeped.

"Really" ally stated with a disapproving look on her face.


"Fifth harmonys camila cabello seen leaving Miami house party" ally read the headline.

"So what you knew that"

"If they have a headline they have details Lauren" ally pressed.

"Ally trust me on this if you want answers you really have to ask camila"

"Ok well what did you do all night" ally questioned.

"I talked to my friends and took care of camila" Lauren said lifting her plate and walking towards the girls table to avoid anymore questions.

"Ok fine I'll talk to camila" ally mumbled to herself.
"Guys have you seen the headlines" ally asked nervously sitting at the bottom of her bed.

"Yea about camila?" Dinah replied.

"Have you guys seen the pictures?" Normani asked casually.

"Pictures? What pictures" ally's eyes widened.

"On vero's Facebook there's loads Camila's out of it in most of them" Normani explains.

"Oh my god show me them" dinah requests moving on the the bed properly beside lying beside Normani.

"Here" Normani pointed at the laptop screen.

None of the girls spoke as they flicked through some of the photos. Until they came across one of camila taking a line of cocaine.

"Ally" dinah mutters

"Yea" ally replies.

"You should probably see this"

Ally makes her way to the computer screen seeing the shocking photo reading the comments.

Lucas: cabello you're not wise class house party😏 feeling it today😷

Lynn: is this before or after you passed out on matty @camilacabello

Camila: oh god don't remind me Lauren nearly killed me😬

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