I'm Not A Cheater

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Camila and Lauren walked behind the group as they made their way towards the cinema "tonight should be fun"

"what are we seeing" Lauren asked

"The fault in our stars" Camila smiled.

"Cute" lauren smiled feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket.

"Hey babe" lauren slowed down so the group of girls weren't listening.

"Yea I'm just about to go into the cinema with the girls"

"Ok" Lauren said, "yea sure"

"See you then"

Lauren caught up with the girls who were standing waiting on her by the doors.

"Um I have to go" she mumbled looking down at her phone.

"What why" camila asked receiving weird looks from the others at how annoyed she was.

"Kendall wants to talk to me and on FaceTime so I'm gonna go back to the hotel"

"Can she not wait till after the movie"

"Timezones I guess" Lauren mumbled "you guys don't mind right?"

"Ugh go talk to your girlfriend" Dinah sighed "I feel like you ditch us a lot recently for her"

"It's not like that she just seems really annoyed" Lauren explained

"It's fine we'll all go out tomorrow yea?" Ally suggested

"Definitely" Lauren smiled

"You do realise tomorrow's our last day before we go back home" Normani asked

"Yea" lauren sighed, "when do we go back on tour properly"

"Three weeks" ally smiled

"I'll see you guys when you come back" Lauren waved walking away.

Looking back to see Camila staring at her.

Lauren sat on her bed waiting for kendall to answer Skype call.

Nervously tapping on the laptop keyboard.

"Hi" Lauren smiled nervously.

"I just want to ask you this one thing and I want you to be fully honest okay" kendall got straight to the point.


"Promise me you'll be one hundred percent honest" Kendall sighed

"I promise"

"Did you cheat on me with Camila"

Lauren looked down at her hands before nodding timidly.

Kendall's face dropped "fuck I didn't think you actually done it"

"I'm sorry" Lauren's eyes filled up.

"I think we need to take a break for a while till I think about this" Kendall stated coldly "I'll call you whenever"

Lauren looked at the now black screen seeing a tear fall from her eye in the reflection.

She wiped the tear away before lying on the bed dosing off to sleep.

Lauren woke up to the sound of the girls trying to speak quietly. "Sssh you'll wake her" "Camila are you sleeping with me" "no I'm waking Lauren up I want to talk to her"

Lauren turned around looking at the girls "hello?"

"Are you all drunk" Lauren asked resulting in all the girls nodding in unison before bursting into laughter.

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