Wasnt Worth It

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"Hello?" Lauren mumbled half asleep bring her phone to her ear.

"Lauren where are you?" Cara shouted over the music in the background.

"I'm in bed why" lauren mumbled closing her eyes again wakening up slowly.

"You needa get to my house kendall and Camila got in a fight I think you should come down" she continued.

"Holy shit I'll be there soon" lauren jumped up urgently searching for clothes.

Lauren reached for her phone ringing a taxi tying her shoe laces at the same time. Pacing back and forward she waited for the taxi wondering why either of them were at the party or what Camila had said she to kendall. Lauren was brought out of her thoughts as her phone started buzzing notifying her the taxi was outside.

Lauren sat in the car clueless to what she was going to walk into when she arrived. Taking a deep breathe as the taxi pulled up to Cara's house seeing a large crowd standing around talking as the music blurred over them.

"Thanks" lauren smiled nervously handing him the money before getting out of the car.

Lauren walked to the door pushing herself through the crowd as it began to get more packed as she walked further in. Seeing the back of Cara's head at her couch she assumed it was kendall sitting beside her. Making her way over she glanced around seeing camila through the glass patio doors standing beside lucas.

Lauren stopped in her tracks as she realised the decision she was facing nervously biting her lip her gaze switched frantically between the two as she thought.

"Lauren hey" she heard a voice snap her out of her head.

"Oh lynn hi" her face relaxed as she turned around to see her.

"I'm assuming you're here to get kendall" she smiled before noticing Lauren's silence as she hesitated, "..or camila" she dragged out the younger girls name.

"Uh.. Both I think um" Lauren furrowed her brow thinking again.

"So you don't know whether you should go to you're girlfriend or you're ex-" lynn stopped herself as she seen Lauren's face drop,"bestfriend?" She furrowed her brow not sure how to ease the situation.

"Basically yea" she sighed turning around and walking back slightly to stand by her side glancing at Camila crying in Cara's garden.

"Go to you're girlfriend" Lynn nodded

"Why" Lauren hesitated.

"She's you're girlfriend lauren" she emphasised.

"Right" she took a deep breath feeling Lynn's hand pat her shoulder as she walked away.

Lauren around the sofa to the side kendall and cara were facing as she sat down beside her girlfriend who hugged her almost immediately.

"What happened" Lauren mumbled against her neck as she hugged her back.

Kendall let go sitting back connecting her hand with Lauren's. Lauren looked back at the girl who she hadn't been able to see properly until she sat back. As the light hit her face she noticed her tear stained face that had multiple bruises and a busted lip.

"Lauren I'm so sorry" kendall sobbed leaning against Lauren's chest.

"Just tell me what happened" Lauren soothed her as she rubbed her back lightly.

"Camila kissed me and.. I-I pushed her off and then I said something about kissing your friends girlfriend and then she said you love her more then me and I lost it" kendall cried covering her eyes with her hands.

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