Dial Tones

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Lauren sighed glancing to Camila as the flight landed, who was avoiding eye contact with her keeping her ear phones in to ensure she wouldn't have to talk to her.
Lauren stood up tapping Camila's arm to get her attention. Camila ignored her walking away from her seat. The older girl didn't want to make a scene so she just sighed following closely behind her.

The two girls walked through the airport silently before lauren pulled Camila bringing her to a halt.
"Camila can we talk" Lauren sighed

"What's there to talk about you made it pretty clear that we're over" Camila tugged her arm from her grasp continuing to walk on.

"Camila I'm sorry" Lauren called louder than intended considering how close she still was.

"Sorry isn't good enough Lauren" Camila turned snapping,her eyes obviously glazed over, "I don't get it two days ago we were having sex and saying we loved each other and now it's you're not a cheater and we can't be together because you're with kendall who isn't even talking to you right now"

"Because of you" Lauren yelled back.

Camila looked back at Lauren again the hurt evident in her eyes.

"You're blaming me for your relationship failing are you serious" Camila stated in disbelief.

"I didn't mean- fuck sake Camila I didn't mean for it to come out like that" Lauren swore nervously realising how she was making the situation worse.

"What did you mean Lauren that it's my fault you cheated on you're girlfriend because I didn't make you have sex with me the same way you never made me have sex with you when I was with austin but at least I admitted it" Camila replied turning around to walk away, "I have to go my moms here"

Lauren stood watching Camila leave the airport greeting her family before getting into the car.

"Lauren" she heard a familiar voice calling, she stood up to look around seeing her family walking towards her wiping a tear away.

"Whats wrong sweetie" Clara brought Lauren into a hug.

"I just missed you that's all" Lauren smiled pulling away from the hug.

"How was your flight?" Mike asked as she grabbed her suitcase walking to their car.

"Long I'm exhausted" Lauren sighed
Lauren considered calling Camila the entire car ride back but figuring they wouldn't be able to talk with both family's listening. Lauren got out of the car grabbing her bags alongside her looking up at the house she hadn't seen in weeks.

"It's still the same place laur" her mom rubbed her arm before walking into the house.

"That's what I'm afraid of" Lauren mumbled walking in behind her.

Lauren set her bags at the door and walked up to her room. Sighing at the relief of being in her usual space. She crashed down onto her bed taking her phone out of her back pocket.

Seeing no new messages she decided to call Camila.

"Maybe she isn't home yet" Lauren mumbled to herself.

"Lauren there's someone at the door for you" Clara called from downstairs.

Lauren jumped up thinking she would find Camila at the door and they would have a long talk and work things out before she was brought out of her thoughts.

"Lauren" Clara called again.

"Coming" Lauren shouted rushing out of her room.

Lauren walked to the door opening it, seeing no one there she walked to into the kitchen to her family.

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