He's Just Not Me

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"Oh my god" Camila collapsed to the ground leaning her back against the bus, "I have to talk to Ashton he's going to kill me what if he breaks up with me, shit, fuck"

Lauren stood silently watching Camila react to the situation and how her mind automatically went to Ashton. She was brought out of her thoughts as she saw her standing up to walk away.

"Where are you going" she called

"To tell him before anyone else"

Lauren walked back inside the bus and climbing back in beside kendall sighing.

Camila knocked on their tour bus door frantically not sure if they were asleep.

"Ashton thank god I have to tell you something before you find out online and I don't know how to say it oh my god" Camila spoke fast and her nervousness was evident in her voice as her chest rose and sunk, "I think I'm having a panic attack" she breathed trying to calm herself down.

"Mila calm down come in I'm the only one here"

Camila nodded walking into the bus fidgeting at the cause of her panicking.

"Is this about the picture of you taking coke?" He sat down beside her.

"Y-you know" she fumbled

Ashton nodded "I read it about five minutes ago" he paused seeing how tense Camila had gotten, "I was shocked but it's fine it's just a case of clearing it up right"

"What do you mean" she mumbled, "you're not going to leave I mean it's a pretty big deal"

"No I'm not gonna leave you" he smiled giggling "chill out" he nudged her.

"You need to clear it up with the media though" he explained.

"Yea but I don't feel like dealing with it right now" she huffed

"How about we go on a date and forget about this whole situation for a while" he smiled

"Where to?" She perked up a little

"How about dinner and a movie?"

"Can we have the movie here" she smirked placing her hand on his knee.

"Definitely" he smiled.

"Ok give me ten minutes to get ready and we'll go"

"Ok" she smiled turning on the tv to wait for him.
Ashton pulled up by the restaurant stopping the car. Camila exited the car walking round to Ashton as they linked hands.

Camila followed Ashton into the restaurant taking a seat across from him in the booth.

"So how are you" Ashton connected there hands over the table.

"Good now" she relaxed

Ashton smirked "the food here's great ever tried it?"

"No actually what are you getting?"

"Oh shit" Ashton swore

Camila followed his gaze out the window seeing a crowd of paparazzi crowding.

"We should get out of here"

"I'm not going out there are you mad"

"Just wrap this around you and follow me" he removed his jacket standing up to hand it to her, "don't say anything to them it'll make it worse just stay quiet till we get to the car"

Camila nodded putting his jacket on pulling it up to cover her face slightly. Ashton puts his arm around her as he opens the door pushing forward. Hearing the crowd screaming questions as the lights flashed.

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