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Wind blew as two wolves played. The night sky was cold as it released the snowy rain. A dream that connect two lover souls is a dream we all hope to hold.

A howl to the moon shall never go unanswered, for it is with their mate that they've found their answer.


The night Jamie and Elaine mated was a night Jamie would remember for the rest of his life. Along with the time after that and the time after that.

Turns out sex is great when your with your soulmate and have plenty of time and an apartment to yourself. .

Though it did bring a whole lot of teasing from their siblings and friends when they saw Jamie's mark that when healed manifested into a crescent shaped moon on his scent glands marking him as Elaine's.

It was worth the teasing because everything was right in the world for Jamie and Elaine as things for the most part stayed the same. She'd still drive over to pick him up to take him to classes then they'd eat lunch with their friends together at lunch, only now when they would drive to Elaine and Selena's apartment it wasn't only to study.

During the rest of Jamie's freshmen year  Elaine and Jamie's family would come and watch Jamie's games while also making time to watch his siblings compete in their own respective sports. 

Sarah in Volleyball and track, Travis in basketball as a point guard and Maxwell in wrestling and football as a linebacker.

When summer came Elaine and Jamie spent every waking moment together. So much so that Jamie even made his own 'den' in Elaine's closet for when they both went into either a het or rut and need to ride it out with each other.  

Life was damn near perfect for the young couple as the new school year and football season started.

But the thing about life is when it's at it's peak it's always ready to throw you a curve ball.


Week 7 of the 10 week regular season.

The Goblins are now 6-2 thanks to their dominate defensive players and decent passing game.

With players like Elaine and her seasonal record of 4 interceptions, 7 forced incompletions, 3 pick six's (Interceptions for a touchdown) and 1 1/2 sacks and Donnie's own impressive record of 2 interceptions, 10 forced incompletions , 3 forced fumbles and 1 of those being returned for a touchdown, word was spreading to different schools and scouts.

Because it was an impressive resume for a bunch of high school defensive playing  seniors to have seven games into the regular season.

So when word had been spread some coaches from D1 schools were looking to recruit players to play for their teams after they graduated high school near their area everyone was on edge and showing out in practice.

Doubly so for Elaine.

Once she heard the news she starting hitting the gridiron, hard. Putting in more hours at the gym and on the field in hopes of keeping her focus. 

She played and practiced so much that Jamie hadn't seen much of his alpha besides when she picked him up for school or during lunch.  Even then it was clear that she was distracted and under a lot of pressure.

"I'm just worried that she may be over working herself." Jamie told Salena as they sat on their couch watching Tv.

"She'll be fine." Salena huffed out taking a hand full of chips.

Jamie and the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now