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          "So you're meeting the family huh?" Selena said her sister.

          "Yep." Elaine confirmed from her closet.

          "You know what you're going to wear yet?" her sister asked from her phone in her bedroom.

  After telling her coach about her plans to cut her practice short she called her sister on the ride back to their apartment and the two hadn't stopped talking sense.

          "I was thinking something like this." Elaine said walking into view of the camera.

  The Brazilian alpha wore a black open shoulder shirt that showed just enough cleavage along with faded black ripped jeans and black open toed heels. Her long black and wavy hair was pulled back exposing her ears. Her makeup light and subtle, the burgundy red lipstick and light black outline the main standouts on her naturally beautiful face.

          "Daaamn sis, you must really want him if you're wearing shit like that." Salena laughed.

          "You saw the picture I sent you, can you blame me?" Elaine said with a laugh.

          "Nope. Hell if he wasn't yours I'd called dibs." Salena laughed.

          "So you know what's for dinner?"

          "Not a clue but who cares. I'm not really going there for the food." Elaine smirked.

         "You realize that his parents aren't going to like you eye fucking their son all night right?" her sister said from the phone.

          "Meh whatever." Elaine shrugged.

          "Seriously E you need to remember what Rose told us about-" her sister started

          "I know, I know. Besides I don't need to get preached to by the girl who's probably getting blown as we speak." Elaine said, annoyed.

          "Hey I'm not that bad. They're actually sleeping on the couch right now." she said laughing.

          "You're such a slut." Elaine laughed

          "Of course I am. Now get going or you'll be late." her sister smiled

          "Love you sis, have fun with your latest squeeze.   

          "Love you too E."


  Jamie felt his heart going a mile a second.

          "What am I gonna wear? What am I gonna make? What if she hates my parents? What if my parents hate her?  Whatifshegetsintoafightwithmybrothers. Whatifsheseemyroom,willshethinksit'sniceandcleanorwillshebehateit!!! OMYGODOMYGODMOMYGODOMYGOD!!!!" his thoughts ran.

          "Would you calm down, Jesus. You'd think you were about to storm Normandy or something." his sister said, stopping his gears from running.

           "How could you just invite her over like that? I barely know her." Jamie whined.

           "Barley know her, come on. Every day for the past few days you've been coming home smelling just like her. She's your mate you'll be fine. Besides there's no way mom and dads gonna let you go on legitimate date with her before they meet her first." Sarah said, pulling into their driveway.

          "Look, all you have to do is go up stairs, do your homework, put on something cute and wait for your mate." Sarah said trying to calm him down.

Jamie and the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now