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Malcolm turned out to be quite the veteran of public school like he claimed. He showed Jamie where his locker was and even invited him to eat lunch with his friends. A group who were made of three alphas, two betas and an omega girl that was the mate of one of the betas.

Although they were friendly Jamie still felt uneasy and nervous despite the omega girl reassuring him he was safe. He talked only when talked to and kept his eyes and head low showing respect for the alphas and betas present at the table.

Lunch at Osborn is two hours long as a means to give many of the schools' mated couples time to reconnect and eat together seeing how every grade had lunch at the same time, because the school's faculty knew keeping a young newly mated pair away from each other for a long stretch of time was a sure fire way to start fights and would affect the students ability to concentrate, so the school installed longer lunches so the couple's could re-imprint themselves on their partners as a way to ease their tension one way or another.

Always an observant guy Jamie watched many of the couples take their food from the line or get their lunches from their lockers and then disappear with mischievous looks on their faces. Jamie felt his body heat and mind run wild with thoughts of what they were doing when people weren't looking and his wolf groaned in longing.

The school for a time did it's best to control the students' baser instincts but the young students' instinctive need to find their mate and the ever flowing horny teens won out in the end with fights breaking out on the regular. So as a way to control teen pregnancies the alphas were required to get a shot at the beginning of every month that made them far less fertile. It worked for the most part since teen pregnancy at Osborn was practically nonexistent in the school, but as always there were a few exceptions to the rule.

The bell rang ending lunch so Malcom and Jamie threw away the scraps of their lunch, said goodbye to Malcom's friends then went to their next class. Luckily they didn't have gym today, something Jamie was grateful for since he hadn't packed a change of clothes. Instead he had art class that was taught by a beautiful mature and mated omega woman with jet black hair and a small petite form. She was accompanied by a beta man that also wore a black 'security' shirt and had the same strong body and eyes of the two alphas that were posted at the front of the school. The beta watched each student, especially the alphas carefully. Making sure they treated their omega teacher with respect she was due and paid attention.

In the art class Omegas were allowed to sit wherever and with whoever they wanted, while alphas and betas were assigned seats. After the teacher introduced herself as Mrs. Pen and told the class what she expected from them. She taught them how to use simple yet effective drawing techniques to help draw people and animals with better symmetry.

Taking a few minutes to walk them through the simple steps she taught them she tasked each of them to draw a person. It could be anyone they wanted be it a known actor or actress, a friend, themselves, a parent, sibling or even their mate and submit it for grading to help gage each student's abilities.

While most cursed, crumpled up their paper or violently erased their mistakes Jamie felt right at home. He had always loved drawing since it came easy to him. He preferred to draw in a more cartoon or anime style than the western style of art and making it look real. After deciding to stick with his normal style he decided to draw his dad.

Even though he was a good enough artist without the need to use the foundation that Mrs. Pen showed them he found her tips to be very helpful. It even saved him some time on the things he found the most challenging to draw like making the eyes the same size and height, along with the space between the lips and the nose.

Halfway through drawing his phone vibrated with a message from his sister.


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