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      When that sweet erotic scent washed over Elaine she had never felt so turned on and worried in her life. Driven by a need she couldn't explain to find and comfort whoever that scent belonged to she searched franticly. Her wolf inside fueled her fire to find their poor scared mate.

      Blocking out the yells from her coach she followed her determined alpha nose to the top of the bleachers where she found an art book laying on the floor. Picking it up for inspection that same intoxicating scent hit her like a rock, making her whole body shiver with need and lust.

            "Meu amor" , her wolf sang in her mind as she turned to search the school grounds from the height of the bleachers, holding the art pad tightly to her chest.

      She'd almost lost hope when she spotted two people, a small boy and a bigger male walking towards the parking lot. She found herself drawn to stare at the smaller of the two, clearly an omega based on the size difference. Then as if by divine intervention the winds changed direction and his scent hit her nose like a train telling her that the scent coming from the small omega was without question the one she searched for.

      Without realizing it she took off after them.

      Elaine's forty yard dash was an impressive forty point fifty two seconds, but they had a lot of distance between them. Distance she and her wolf were determined to close.

      All while she ran, "Mate! Mate! Proteje nosso amante!" her wolf howled, helping Elaine push herself faster than ever before. Rounding the corner she saw a yellow and white striped mustang leave the parking lot and pull into traffic.

            "Shit!" she growled, bending over to catch her breath. Her wolf a mixture of whimpers and growls at their failure to catch up to their mate in time.

      Annoyed with herself she watched the car drive out of view before jogging back to the football field. Once again she ignored her coach and went straight for the locker room, stripping off her pads and placing them into her locker before taking a seat on the bench.

      As dread seeped its way into her mind for the first time in years her nose caught wind of that scent once more. 

           "O livro de arte! O livro de arte!! Open the art book!" her wolf barked in her mind.

      She originally wanted to see if she could get the name of the omega that had her wolf all riled up, but it's first few pages were blank. It didn't have a name or number in it for her to call and return it which disappointed her, but as she kept flipping through the pages some of the pictures pictures made the alpha girl blush and grow hot.

      The first few pictures where of cute little cartoon characters of a little omega boy in varies different poses and a few pictures of a small weak looking wolf, so when she got towards the middle she was surprised to find it filled with pictures of big strong alphas dominating and fucking small young omega boys. Elaine's her heart clenched and pants tightened as she groaned with longing.

            "Holy fuck I need a cold shower." she moaned to herself.


      Jamie sat in his bath after the long uncomfortable drive home. Travis didn't bother explaining why he was late to picking him up but from what Mrs. Manuella said about the scent of an omega mixed with his own Jamie could make an educated guess.

      Thinking of that he couldn't help but feel a tang of jealousy for he had never done anything like that with anyone before, which made him think of the scent of his supposed 'mate' that lingered in his mind. Causing the poor omega's mind to run rapidly.

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