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      Jamie had thoroughly enjoyed the omega class. He even managed to get the numbers of two twin omegas named Lucas and JJ.

The pair twins had curly blonde hair and the same birthmark on their arms along with small red freckles, and innocent cloud grey eyes.

The main difference, besides JJ being a girl and Lucas being a boy, was that the one named JJ had longer curlier hair than her brother.

After talking with them for a while during and after class they promised Jamie that they'd meet and study in the schools library together during lunch as a group since most of the other omegas seemed to know each other from previous schools.

When class was over it ended earlier for the omegas, giving them a chance to get to their lockers and collect their things before the rush from the other students when their classes ended to leave for the day.

Jamie managed to find his locker quickly enough, putting his books and homework into it three minutes before the bell rang and the other students came from their classes.

Alphas and betas rushed to their lockers like a tidal wave. Grabbing their backpacks and other things to then rush out of school. Some had their own cars to take themselves home while others, mostly first years and omegas, had their parents pick them up.

Jamie looked down the line of cars as security wrangled most of the first year omegas to the front of the line keeping them in a group until they spotted their car to which they would escort them to their cars.

Jamie stood with them next to his teacher's mate Rose Manuella looking down the line of cars to see if he spotted his brothers yellow and white striped 2002 year mustang.

  He didn't.

As time flew minute by minute his anxieties began to rise and fear began to flood his omega brain.

                           Travis the cold

J; Hey.
Schools over and I don't see you.

J: Are you here?


He kept texted his brother waiting for a response as ten more minutes went by and most of the cars left in parking lot and line, leaving Jamie alone with Mrs. Manuella as the last car came and picked up one of his omega classmates.

Worry and nerves crept into his stomach making him feel sick. Each time he tried to text his brother the text went unanswered and his calls went to voicemail.

          "Who's supposed to pick you up pup?" Mrs. Manuella asked, looking at the small shivering omega boy.

           "My brother, Travis." he answered quietly.

          "And he's not answering?"

          "No mam"

          "Ok... you see those bleachers over there?" she asked pointing to the football field to the left of the school.

          "Yes mam."

          "Good, I want you to go over there and take a seat. Wait for ten more minutes then call your parents and see if you can get one of them to come get you ok." she told him.

          "Yes mam." he nodded, walking over to the bleachers taking a seat at the top so he could see the road in hopes to spot his brother's car.

Jamie and the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now