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             "Blaaa...blaa!!" Jamie threw up in the bathroom of the Cindy's Ice Cream.

      His families favorite mom and pop ice cream place by the beach. 

      It was a long drive but it was normally worth it because their ice cream was to die for.


      Today though Jamie felt like he was literally dying . Add in the car ride from home to the football field he couldn't get out of the car fast enough.

      Elaine showed some concern but he kindly brushed her off and said he had to pee when in reality he felt like he had to vomit. 

      All throughout the game he felt nauseous and light headed, more so than usual when Elaine played and all that came to ahead after the car ride to Cindy's. 

           "Oh gwad..." he groaned as he struggled to find breath.     

      His wolf whimpered in distress at their position as he wished to be with their mate celebrating than nursing by a toilet. 


            "Hey baby your mom wanted to know what flavored ice cream you wanted to have." asked Elaine from the other side of the door. 

           "fuck....V-Vanilla would be nice thanks." he forced out as he with withheld the urge to vomit again. 

           "You sure baby, because you'll be getting plenty of 'vanilla' cream later." she said sultry. 

            "Oh...well in that case. M-Maybe coffee o-or birthday cake." he said cheeks hot as his stomach turned. 

           "Sure thing baby, but hurry up before it melts." she said before leaving him to turning stomach once again. 

           "I'm so fucked." he thought to himself as he vomited again. 


            "Well come one sis lets see what you got." Salena said as she ate her cotton candy flavored Italian ice.

            "Shouldn't we wait for Jamie before we see the offers?" Jamie's mother Martha said kindly. 

            "Why? You snooze you lose. Open them up!" Salena said making Travis snicker. 

            "We're waiting for Jamie." Elaine playfully snapped at her older sister. 

            "I heard my name." Jamie said joining them at the table, sitting beside his mate. 

            "Finally! Now that Jamie is here can you show us already!" Salena huffed. 

            "Show us what?" Jamie asked confused. 

      He had remembered Elaine saying she had something to show the family, but if he was being honest he was just trying his best to no throw up at the time so he missed most of the conversation. 

            "My offers." Elaine smiled at him, pulling him into her arm and on her lap.  

      Don't ask her why but her wolf seem happier than normal to hold him in their arms. She swore that the beast even started to purr.

            "Your offers? You mean for collage?" the little omega asked fall into her chest. 

            "Yep." she smiled happily.

Jamie and the AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now