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She left


Eunbi's POV

The whole rest of the evening, Nako didn't look at me and didn't talk to me. Her father knew that something was wrong.

Her father grand speech about the new addition to the Yabuki Clan and also of me being their new leader was the main subject in his whole speech. But of course he had to talk about the engagement. He was so proud of all of this and in his eyes it seems as though he already planned this on the first day.

Nako just had her head down the whole time and I knew that she was faking her smile at the end.

As guests were leaving, Nako went straight to her room and locked the door.

"Did something happen between you two?" asked my soon-to-be-father-in-law.

"I think she is just tired"

"If something bad happened, you must take responsibility. Or if not I won't trust you anymore, detective Kwon"

My eyes widen when I heard that. As Mr.Yabuki walked towards his office room. I stood there frozen and didn't know what to do.

I immediately rushed home since this was bad! I know that I needed to talk to Nako but this is urgent. My undercover has been discovered. I need to collect my thoughts.

At home


"WAE!!!" shouted Chaeyeon back as she came out the kitchen.

"I heard some screamings"said Sakura as she came out from Chaeyeon's room

"Oh Sakura you're here too"

"Why are you here unnie? Aren't you supposed to talk to Nako and stay the night over at her place like usual?" questioned Sakura.

"There is a bigger problem!"  I replied

"What?"replied Chaeyeon

"I don't think Sakura should be here"

"Unnie she already knows about us, remember..."

"Oh yeah, Mian!"

"So what was so urgent?"

"Mr.Yabuki knows I'm a detective"


"what should I do? Go back to office and say my undercover mission as been blown. Mr. Yabuki already knows my true identity"

"Well you have no choice, he already knows and plus we already know that it's his half-brother who murdered and all."

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