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She is always energetic but showing love was only for her special love


At the station

Yena was on her computer finishing up the report of a thief that morning. It was not the only thing that she had to do.

"Yena-chan, there is someone asking for you"


"You will know when you see her"

Yena arranged her papers and report before going to the reception to see who asked for her.

Yena's POV

I was walking towards the reception and then went to the waiting area where most people who come to report a crime take a seat.

"Yuri-yah, why are you here?" I ask my fiancé

"I thought that I should visit you and plus we have a family dinner"

"Oh my gadnis!!! I almost forgot about it! What time we have to be there?"

"In 30 mins. If we leave now we will arrive on time"

"I just need to get my stuff and all. I'll be back in a few minutes"

"Nae! I'll just wait here unnie"

At the family dinner

"How's work Yena-shi"

"Rough but it is ok now"

"Well good since you and Yuri will be planning your wedding soon" said Mrs.Jo to me

"The wedding must be perfect" said my mom. Excited for the wedding.

My mother and Yuri's mother kept on talking non-stop about their plans for the wedding. Will it be private or a grand ceremony. At a church or at a venue. Abroad or here. Wedding dress designer that will design Yuri's dress while I were a suit. Is the decoration simple floral or a million dollar decoration.

There was no ending to it. It was as if they were getting married and not about Yuri and I.

"And so when is the wedding going to be" I asked.

"The day after Yuri's graduation" told my father.

"So in a couple of months" I replied

"Any problem with that Yena?" Asked my mom.

"Ani... it just that actually nevermind" I said.

"I need to go to the washroom" I said and then left the table. I went out of the restaurant and went in my car.

I then heard the passenger seat opened and turned my head and saw Yuri come in the car.

"Unnie you ok?"

"Yeah it's just that..."


"I don't want to wait anymore for us to get marry. Let's get marry tomorrow!"

"Unnie I'm still underage"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that but as soon as you turn legal age which is soon let's get married"

Yuri just nods and I was so happy I showered her with kisses.

"You promise?"I ask

"Yes unnie"

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