First Date

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"She was always lost and I need to be there for her"


The Day before the first day back to school

Hyewon's POV






"AH WAE!" I shouted as I had to paused my game.

I then started hearing sobs and looked up from my game to see Minju was pouting and was about to cry.

"Mianhae Minju. . . I was concentrated in my game."

"It's ok but why are you not serving your customer?"

"Who? There isn't any at the moment and they usually come lunch time or dinner time"

I looked around and there was no customers at the moment since it is not the peak hours.

"Unnie I'm the customer" pouted Minju

"You are?! You are always here. So you are not a customer anymore. You can go in the kitchen and ask Chaewon to cook something for you"

"Ya!!" Minju then smack my arm and took her stuff and left.

I was confused by her action, why was she acting that way.

"Hyewon-unnie why did Minju stormed out like that?" asked Chaewon as she came out of the kitchen.

"She told me to serve the customer but there aren't any and it was only her. I told her that she was not a customer and that she could just ask you in the kitchen for food. And that is when she smack my arm and stormed out"

"Oh my gadnis! Unnie she was the customer! And she wanted you to serve her!"

"I ain't her butler"

"Unnie you know you are sometimes selfish. She clearly wanted your attention since she has a crush on you"

"She does?!?"


"Oh my gadnis. What did I do?!?!"

"To compensate why don't you ask her out on a date" suggested Chaewon as she was leaning on the counter.

"A date like couple do? Or like just friendly date?"

"A romantic date! Make her feel special"

"There will be food right?"

"What's more important Food or Minju"

"Foo- Minju"

"Now text her and tell her that you will go on a date with her after school"

"How about the diner?"

"I'll take care of it. You just make Minju the happiest person"


The Day of our First Date

I was leaning on my car and facing the school gate and waited that Minju comes out.

I then saw many students staring at me and whispering.

Then the crew came out.

"Hyewon-unnie!!! Did you come to pick me up?"asked Yujin as she jumped and hugged me.

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