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She was always there
For the younger one
No matter what


No one's POV

After the whole scene in the cafeteria and Nako storming out. Wonyoung was still fuming of rage as she remembered her unnie almost dying because of the smol bean.

"Wonyoungie, you should eat before lunch break is over" said Minju as she saw that the young one didn't take one bite.

"I lost my appetite. I'll be going to the clinic"

"Yujin, can you like talk to her and all?" asked Minju as she was worried for Wonyoung.

"I'll try Minju-unnie, but I won't guarantee that Nako-unnie and Wonyoungie are going to be Best friends"

"At least try something to calm her from all of this after school"


At the clinic

"Oh already on the first day back to school and you aren't feeling well" said the nurse

"I suddenly had this huge headache and can't concentrate well"

"Get some rest then"

Wonyoung just nods and went to the bed to sleep and forget what happened earlier.

Before afternoon class starts

"Wonyoung~" whispered Yujin as she didn't want to wake any other who were there too.

"Unnie class is starting soon, why are you here?"

"Brought you kimbap and strawberry milk in case you get hungry"

"Gomawo unnie"

"I'll see you after school. Get some rest"

Wonyoung smiles to the huge puppy and then went to eat first the food before resting again.

After School

The last bell to ring finally rang and Wonyoung heard the running of many students in the hallway rushing to go home. She woke up a few minutes before it rang. She was already at the gate waiting for Yujin.

Minju-unnie was picked up by Hyewon-unnie. Hitomi-unnie went to the dinner and Yuri-unnie went to the station. As for Yujin well she still hasn't come out.

It was after school, Wonyoung was still mad after knowing that Nako was now in the same school as her. She felt that there was something that wasn't right as to why her Eunbi-unnie was always with her.

"YO Wonyoung! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"Its fine unnie"

"So let's go?"

"Yeah. . ."

"Oh I have to pass by somewhere first"

"Oh ok"

Wonyoung was so preoccupied with about her Eunbi-unnie and Nako-unnie that she was not paying attention to where Yujin was bringing her to.

As they kept walking. Yujin stopped and then Wonyoung bumped into her.

"Ow Unnie why did you stop?"

"Coz we are here"

Wonyoung looked and then saw Ice cream Shop.

"Mint-choco right?"

Wonyoung just nod at her unnie as they went inside the shop.

Yujin just smiled at Wonyoung and held her hand as they went inside.

As they ate their ice cream, Wonyoung kept looking out the window. With that Yujin took the opportunity to take a panorama.

Wonyoung was still zoning out and didn't realize that her Yujin-unnie took a pic.

Yujin just smiled and set the photo as her lockscreen.

Yujin knew that Wonyoung was still thinking about her Eunbi-unnie and Nako-unnie. But this is ruining her sort of date.

Yujin just sigh and as they were done with their ice cream, she dragged Wonyoung to another place.

They walked silently since Wonyoung was on her phone while she followed Yujin who was very far now.

Wonyoung lifted her head from her phone. And then she just realized that her unnie was no longer in her sight.

She looked left and right. To the front and back and still no sign of her unnie.

"Unnie!?!?!" shouted Wonyoung

"Over here Wonyoungie!"

As Wonyoung walked to her unnie, she noticed the place.

"Eh unnie why we here?"

"To pass time and to have fun"

"Come on"

At the Arcade

"Wonyoungie! Come on cheer up!"

"Your treat?"

"Yeah, if it helps to get rid of your madness for Nako-unnie"


They played around a few UFO games and all, Yujin was beating every high scores in the arcade. Wonyoung on the other hand was walking around and then played a crane game after seeing a cute puppy plushie that looked exactly like Yujin.

But since she was bad at the UFO game, it was hard for her to get it.

Yujin came by as she saw Wonyoung struggling with the game. Yujin took over and was able to get the plushie and gave it to Wonyoung

"Unnie, why give it to me?"

"To remind you I'm always by your side and also I saw you wanted it. Does it look like me? smirked Yujin


"Really?" Yujin poked Wonyoung shoulder.

"I just thought that it was cute" pouted Wonyoung and then stormed out of the arcade. Yujin followed behind and catch up to her.

Yujin grabbed Wonyoung wrist and the youngest turned around.

Yujin brought the both of them in an embrace and of course she gave a kiss on Wonyoung's forehead.


This book is back alive!

Sorry for the delay! Its a short chapter but at least I got to update!

Also, Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎁

Next chapter we are back to the main story and I won't be publishing a new book until this story is nearing the end.

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