Bodyguard for a Yakuza's Daughter, Nani!!!

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'She wasn't the tallest among the gang but she was strong enough to injure severely a gang of suited men bothering her when she was eating her mint choco ice cream'


"Ya! Stop right there!" shouted Eunbi while panting as she chased this petty thief whom was also a supplier of drugs.

"Unnie, he runs really fast" pants Chaeyeon as she is catching up to Eunbi-unnie to catch the thief.


"Oh sorry bro didn't see you there when I opened the car door" said Yena as she cuffed the guy and put him in the backseat of the police car.

"Good job Yena!"shouted Chaeyeon

"No problem" confidently replied Yena to Chaeyeon.

"Let's go back to the station, the chief has more details for our case, Chaeyeon" informed Eunbi to her partner

"Let's go"exlaimed Chaeyeon

At the station

"Welcome back Detective Kwon and Detective Lee" said one of the officer at the main entrance as the squad entered with the petty thief.

"Yena, put him into the jail and then file the report. Also need the interrogation room too" requested Chaeyeon

"Yes boss!"exclaimed Yena as she immediately took the thief into custody and then went to do the report.

"Chaeyeon-yah the chief is waiting for us" exclaimed Eunbi as she went to the elevator to go to the chief's office as she continued pressing the opened doors so that Chaeyeon comes in.

They went out the elevator and walked the hallway that lead to their high top boss in the station. They were now at the door and knocked on the chief's door.

"Come in, ah detective Kwon and detective Lee just the two people I wanted to talk to. Sit down."told the chief

Both Eunbi and Chaeyeon went in and bowed to the chief and sat down as told.

"I heard that this drug case needed a bit of a push to catch the murderer/supplier of the new prototype drug" told the chief to the two detectives.

"Yes sir we have had a few lead but never actually found the supplier/murderer of those school girls" replied Eunbi with confidence.

"Well you two are in luck. There has been a few new leads from the other divisions that a huge deal is coming in a few months and they are planning more than just supply drugs." Confided the chief.

Eunbi and Chaeyeon nodded to the new details about this major case.

"I want you two to go undercover, one has to infiltrate a Yakuza clan and the other as to infiltrate the Majijo Gakuen to find out about the murderer of those yankee girls. Moreover, to search for a connection between the supplies and the murders. I trust in both of you that you won't let me down. Also, officer Choi will be the only contact you will have for further information about your mission. Other than that you two are to start your undercover when you leave this door. Further informations for the undercover mission will be given to you by officer Choi and we will see each other when this case is now closed. Dismissed"

Eunbi and Chaeyeon bowed to the chief and left the room.

"So unnie how are we going to infiltrate? questioned Chaeyeon since she knew it was not doing to be simple task just like other cases.

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