At the Diner

188 13 3


She needs to choose
sooner or


Hitomi's POV

After the whole situation and a year passed by without Nako, the 01z was still not complete as Nako hasn't comeback. We waited and waited but she still hasn't contacted any of us. Yuri is getting married soon and for Minju well she got scouted for a modelling company and also became an Mc for a show. As for me, I have been working along side Chaewon-unnie, since Hyewon-unnie has been busy visiting other restaurants and updating her food vlog.

"Hii-chan, can you help me with bringing in the fresh ingredients?" said Chaewon as she came in carrying a box of fresh veggies"


After a few minutes of carrying inside the ingredients for this evening, we heard the bell from the door rang, as we went to the front we saw the two maknaes.

"Unnies! Hi!" shouted Yujin as her and Wonyoung sat down at the usual spot.

"How was school?" asked Chaewon-unnie

"Boring as always" replied Yujin

"That's because you were sleeping during class and the teacher made Yujin-unnie stand outside of class" added Wonyoung.

"What do you guys want to eat?" I asked.

"Malatang and to drink two glasses of coke"

"Just wait for a bit" said Chaewon-unnie as she went to the kitchen to start preparing.

Yujin then tap the seat beside her indicating to me to sit beside her.

"Is Hyewon-unnie here?" asked Yujin

"She will be here later, she is off again with her food vlog" I replied.

"Hitomi-unnie, you seem very gloomy these days" said Wonyoung as she looked at me worried.

"It's just that I miss Nako, we were very close to each other and all. It just feels empty without her"

"Yeah, I have noticed that too with Eunbi-unnie with her restless nights. But don't worry I'm sure Eunbi-unnie will find her sooner then later" said Wonyoung

"Didn't you hate Nako, Wonyoungie" said Chaewon-unnie as she came with the food and drink as she placed them on the table. She then sat beside Wonyoung.

"I did, but I can't hate on her forever especially the fact that she didn't even know that Eunbi-unnie was a cop. And also if she makes Eunbi-unnie happy, then it's ok"

"It is obvious that Nako running away has taking a toll on the gang. Even Chaeyeon-unnie and Yena-unnie was very busy with work. Yuri has been preparing her wedding alone most of the time because Yena-unnie has night shifts." told Chaewon-unnie and there was this moment of silence. Until the bell rang and the door opened.

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