What's Next?

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We were known as the top

Now, it all changes for us.


No one's POV

Police are now heavy on patrol finding this killer/supplier. With Eunbi-unnie laying in a hospital bed with Nako by her side holding her hand waiting for her to wake up after surgery since the stab was quite deep.

Chaeyeon finished her undercover work since they finally have the identity of that guy. It was clear that that killer/supplier was under the Yabuki clan before he moved to the Yoshimoto Clan in which as been trying to overthrown the crown of Yabukis'. The killer also knew about yankees joining a few clans. The fight between yankee and yakuza became more intense when Yoshimoto's daugther who went to Yabakune was beaten by a majijo. Telling her father about it, yankee and yakuza have been either fighting each other or have joined each other. It depended on the clan and the school.

As the killer knew everything about Yabuki clan and Majijo, Yoshimoto took that advantage to take revenge for his daughter and his rival clan. Thus, Yoshimoto gave the mission to the killer.

The killer was Mr.Yabuki's half-brother and Nako's half-uncle.

While waiting for Eunbi-unnie to recover, Sakura has now graduated from Majijo and is pursuing her career as a gamer. During the vacation before the start of the new school year. Nako spend her time by Eunbi-unnie side and helped her to recover.

With Eunbi being stabbed, Yena and Chaeyeon would work sometime overtime to get links between the Yoshimoto clan, Yabuki clan and Nako's uncle.

Nako's POV

With Eunbi-unnie recovering faster than predicted. She was still in pain when she has to bend. I remember once when she dropped a spoon and then she had to pick it up. When she tried to pick it up, she screamed in pain and then I went to her and saw her bleed. Her wound reopened and with that Eunbi-unnie had to stitch back again her wound.

Eunbi-unnie still continued to be my bodyguard even though she got injured because of me. We were now in the dining room. Of course, Oto-san was here and is very much angered and stressed with everything that is happening.

With Eunbi-unnie being stabbed, Oto-san and I were questioned by the police and the house was investigated.

I was eating silently and had my head lower down as I do not know what my Oto-san has in mind with everything that is happening.

"Nako, you will be transferred to Iz*academy and that is final"

"I don't want to"

"Your uncle knows who you are and that school doesn't have the maximum security needed to protect their students. Whether you like it or not. You are transferring to that school. End of discussion"

I got up and stormed out of the dining room and went to my room.

Eunbi's POV

When I saw Nako stormed out after not finishing her food, I knew that she must be feeling a lot at the moment.

"Eunbi-chan, I know that you can talk some sense into my daughter about my decision of transferring her to another school. Also, thank you again for saving her in that moment." He said and then bowed.

I bowed as well before leaving the dining room and heading to Nako's room. During the time of my recovery, Wonyoung now knows that I am undercover and all since she overheard Chaeyeon and Yena talking when they were at the dinner.

Wonyoung was shocked to hear that I was undercover and was now part of the Yakuza clan. It is difficult for me everyday as I work under the law but am part of underground world.

Wonyoung was the most under a lot of stress and worry when she knew that I was stabbed by the killer and that it was all due to being the bodyguard of Nako. Wonyoung blames Nako for having me on the line of nearly dying.

I was now in front of Nako's room and sigh as I knew that it going to be rough to convince her to transfer to that school.

I knock on the door and no respond. I knocked again and then Nako finally opened it

"Can I come in?"

She nods. I went inside towards her bed and sat at the edge.  Nako went to the middle of the bed and laid on her stomach rested her chin on her pillow.

"I think it is best that you transfer to that school"

"I know but what about Majijo?"

"I'm sure they are in good hands, I noticed many strong ones during the fight"

"Yeah but"

"Your Oto-san is prioritizing your safety and also you being alive. Even if I am there to protect you"


There was no response from her and then I looked at her and she was already snoring. I guess she must have been tired these days with all the clan problem and her uncle wanting to kill her.

I just went beside her, grabbed her blanket and covered her with it. I leaned towards her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night"

I went out the room and closed the door slowly. I looked back at her and then closed it. I was on my way home and then as I passed by her father's office, the lights were still on and then I saw that he was looking at a picture. Must be the time before his half-brother betrayed this clan.

Chaeyeon's POV

Sakura and I have been in rough times with me doing overtime and also as Wonyoung learned about the undercover work, Sakura also heard it.

She was in shock not knowing what to do since she was not close with the law. I haven't gotten any news from her and I know that she said she won't tell Nako about it due to her father being underground. I trust her that she can keep this secret but she did say that Nako doesn't like it when people keep secrets from her.

I am scared with Eunbi-unnie still undercover and working for the Yabuki clan. I really wished that Eunbi-unnie continues to stay safe. Until Eunbi-unnie is still undercover, I must quickly arrest that bastard for what he has done.


Very boring descriptive chapter!

Not as much to say, only this:

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