Special Chapter: Happy Eunbi Day!!!

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She was caring,
a leader,
and the most hard working.


Nako's POV


Can I borrow
for a couple of hours


It's Eunbi-unnie's
and I wanted to
cook dinner
for her tonight

ok I'll ask Chaeyeon
if she is free"

Thank you!!

End of Call

An hour later

The doorbell rang and I knew that it was Chaeyeon-unnie. I let her in the house and then she lifted the bags filled with all the ingredients.

"I brought everything that Eunbi-unnie loves, so let's start cooking"


Couple of Hours later

"Woah!! It looks so good unnie!! Thank you for helping me!"

"No problem! I should get going since Sakura is waiting for me and also Eunbi-unnie is coming soon" said Chaeyeon as she prepared to leave and headed to the door.

"Thank you again unnie and enjoy your date with Sakura"

Chaeyeon waved good bye and then she was no longer in my view.

I texted unnie to see if she was now near the house.

I then hear the door opened and prepared what I need.

Eunbi's POV

I arrived at Nako's place after I celebrated my birthday with the other and a breakfast from Chaeyeon.

I came here since Nako insisted that I stay the night here since she believes that her uncle will murder this very night.

I went to the living room, and no sign of Nako. Weird.


I heard footsteps and turned my head. I saw Nako coming in the living holding a cake with the candles lit up.

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
dear Eunbi-unnie!!

"Make a wish Unnie!"

I blowed out the candle, then Nako puts down the cake and she went to get her gift for me.

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