Special Chapter: Happy Nako Day!!

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Her aegyo can
make anyone


Nako's POV

I entered my father's office room and wanted to talk to him.

"Oto-Sama I need to talk to you" I said and there was no respond.

I was getting nervous as to who was sitting on my father's chair. Even I can't sit on it since it is a custom made desk chair. Very expensive.

I remember when I was young, I sat for just a few seconds and was spinning around. When Oto-sama knew about it, he got so mad. The thing is I left it the same way as it was before I sat on it. And he still knew.

So whoever is sitting is going to feel the wrath of Oto-sama.

The person slowly turns around the chair and faces me. I stood still and was just amazed at how Eunbi-unnie looked like a sexy boss by just sitting behind the desk.

It is making me weak!!!

"Oh Nako, your dad told me to tell you that he will be home a bit late. Apparently he has something important to do." said unnie as she was still sitting there. I looked at her and just nod.

"Why is it that you get to sit there" I mumbled

"I heard that. Am I not allowed to sit on this chair?" She raised one of her eyebrow.

"I can't but apparently you can"

"Come here, I have something for you" unnie said and gestured to sit on her lap.

I sat on her lap and then she wrapped her arms around my waist and had her chin on the crook of my neck.

"Happy Birthday Nako!"

"How did you know it was my birthday?"

"I have my sources" smiled unnie and then she took something from the drawer of the desk.

It was a box with a ribbon on it.

"Here is your gift, hope you like it" she said and smiled.

"Gomawo unnie" I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Open it"

I opened it and it was earrings. It had diamonds on it. I hope she didn't spend most of her income to buy this.

"It so pretty unnie!"

"There custom made by myself"

I started to cry from happiness.

"Don't cry Nako, I'm going to cry too"

"It's just that it is a special birthday gift from someone I love"

"Ah well we still have a full day today since you don't have school, so what do you want to do? My treat"

"I want ice cream"

"That's it?"


"What else?"

"I want Eunbi-unnie to be mine's"

"Ooh, well those two I can make it happen" she said and then smirked.

"Jinjja!" I shouted and hugged her.

"Let's go"

"Saranghae unnie"

"Nado Saranghae Nako! Happy birthday again"

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