Slow Journey

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I'll be by
Your Side


Eunbi's POV

After that day that I met up with Nako, I decided to leave her space and come back another day. Basically today which is also my last day here in Seoul as I need to get back to work. I can't stay longer even if I wanted to.

I went back to JYP entertainment and I went inside and asked again for Nako. 

"She told us if you came back that we ask that you leave"

"Fine, but do tell her that today is my last day here and I'll be waiting outside the building all day." I said at the receptionist and walked out of the building. I stood outside and waited and waited. 

4 hours later

I was still here and waited patiently for Nako. 

"Eunbi-unnie!" shouted Nako as she was fast walking towards me.

"Oh Nako, I thought that you wouldn't show up"

"Well, the staff and receptionist kept telling me each hour that you were outside and it was bothering them and my practice. My dance instructor was annoyed each time a staff would come to interrupt saying that you didn't want to move until I talked to you. So I'm here now, what is it you want to say"

"It's my last day and I wanted to spend just this one day with you. Forget everything about the engagement and me being a cop. It's just me, Kwon Eunbi who came to visit a friend and enjoy my vacation. Please! just this one day and then I will never disturb you"

"You won't force me to go back?"

"I won't"

"Ok, I'm done at 2. I guess you can come in and watch while you wait for me"

"I won't disturb"

We went inside and Nako told the staff and her dance instructor that I was going to watch her practice. 

Nako was dancing well and was light on her toes. I just continued to admire each movements she did and every time she turned I saw it in slow motion. I was captivated by her. She made me fall in love again.

The instructor suddenly stopped the music and then I came back to my senses. 

"Okay 15 minutes break" 

"Nae!" shouted all of the trainees including Nako. 

Nako talked a bit with the other trainees and I just looked down at my phone for any new updates but there was none. 

"Unnie, you ok?" asked Nako as she came to sit in front of me


"Unnie, why don't you walk around a bit?" 

"I feel like that Jihyo-unnie of yours will kick me out if she saw me in the hallways when I just want a drink from the vending machine" I pouted at Nako

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