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" She never wanted to show her weaknesses but with her
She was a smol bean whom was taken cared of
She liked it when she is worried "


Sakura's POV


I heard someone called my name, I turned to look whom it was and saw the new homeroom teacher whom followed me earlier until she went somewhere with Namaiki's bodyguard. Before I could further move, my eyes was starting to get heavy and everything turned black. I must have fainted with these severe wounds.

Chaeyeon's POV

I called Sakura-chan, and then I saw that she was about to collapsed and I ran quickly to catch her. I saw that her lips were bleeding and she had many severe wounds on her arms and legs as if she just came from a yankee fight. Without hesitation, I carried her on my back and went to the nearest hospital, to treat her wounds and also since she just collapse.

I was still piggybacking her on my back until I finally arrived to the hospital. I went to the emergency room and went to the reception desk and asked for help.

A nurse was kind enough to help me lay down Sakura-chan on the bed. I just looked at her sleeping state and waited for the doctor and the nurse to finish treating her. As they treated her wounds, I decided to make a call.



I have a request

Sure what is it?

Can you check the CCTV around
the school and the diner.

I can do that
But why tho?

Sakura is severely wounded
And I'm sure it may have a lead
With the case

I'll check as early as I arrive
At the station tomorrow morning
Will text you when I get info

Gomawo Yena.
I have to go now
The doctor is calling me
Bye Yena-yah

Oh Arasso!
Bye !

Call Ended

I went back to Sakura since the doctor was calling for me. I went beside the bedside and looked at the doctor waiting for him to tell me news about Sakura.

"She is fine, she will be waking up soon. But these wounds were severe she must take care of herself so these wounds heal faster. Whatever caused these injuries, must be reported. They aren't simple banging by accident on a post or falling face flat on the floor."said the doctor as he looked at me with serious.

"I'll report it when she wakes up and ask her about what happen. Thank you doctor" I replied to the doctor and bowed. I knew that these wounds were not just by accident, she was in a fight and it was a strong opponent for sure.

Eunbi's POV

"Sorry I'm late"I said as I saw Nako in front of the 7/11 crossing her arms. Looks like she is pissed that I'm late.

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