Visitors at the Hospital

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" She loves her bread.
She knew every bread there was and
never got fed up from eating too much of it.
However, if you mess with her and her bread.
She was the most savage of them all "


Nako's POV

"What do you mean by Bbangtomi being stabbed?!?!! Where is she now?"asked Sakura as I saw in her eyes the worries.

"Last night after the fight with the first year from Gekioko, the killer followed Bbangtomi and then she tried to fight back but ended up being stabbed." Told the underling.

"Let's go to the hospital now"said Sakura and she started walking towards the door and I followed behind.

We ended up skipping school today to visit Hii-chan. By the time I went out I didnt see Eunbi-unnie and I just texted her that I will be at the hospital visiting Hii-chan.

We finally arrived to the hospital but then we saw that there were multiple police officer and one in particular stood out the most and looked like a duck. Anyways that duck was talking to two unnies whom were sitting near the room Hii-chan was.

We went to the desk and asked for Hii-chan's room. But the nurse said that at the moment they were not allowing any visitors since the doctor is making sure the patient is well before any visitors. We went to take a seat, in front of the two unnies until someone approached them and I was shook to see Eunbi-unnie.

I walked up to her and when she saw me she was in shock and I grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside the hospital.

"Unnie why are you here?" I asked and was tapping my feet.

"I'm a friend of Hyewon and Chaewon"replied Eunbi-unnie


"They are the owners of Iz*diner near majisuka gakuen and they are the one whom helped your friend"told Eunbi-unnie to me and then...

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?"asked Eunbi-unnie with a serious tone as if missing one day of school is the end of the day.

"Yeah, but when we heard that Hii-chan was at the hospital we came here as soon as possible since..."

"Since?!"questioned unnie

"Last night, remember the wounds I had, well after you left to wherever you went. The gang went near the bridge to get some fresh air. Until a group of first year Gekioko were too optimistic that they can win the fight and so we fought. We defeated them easily but they had a few yakuza backing them up. And that is why we were severely wounded due to them having knifes. We still defeated them all but we all went home safely. We didn't know that Hii-chan was being followed and then you know what happened next." I told her everything.

"Well, for now I won't leave your side and you must tell me everywhere you go now since the killer is presume to attack again soon. That's what the officers said..."told Unnie. I just nod at her and then returned to Sakura.

I saw that Sakura was intensely looking at the two unnies, Chaewon and Hyewon.

"Sakura, stop staring at them"

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