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"These past months, you have again my trust and is now part of the family. I have decided that it is best that you marry Nako so that you become the new leader of the Yabuki Clan but also to threaten the other Clan. But most importantly to protect Nako and be there for her even after I'm gone."

"Do you accept this arrangement, Eunbi-san"

End of Flashback

Second day at the new school

"Nako-chan, you have been spacing out a lot since this morning. Everything ok?" asked Yuri

"It's just that Eunbi-unnie is avoiding me since this morning. And I don't know why. . ."

"Maybe there is something on her mind and it only concerns her."


End of Classes

"How's was school" asked Eunbi

"Fine" replied Nako and just continued to walk ignoring her unnie

At Home



"Oto-sama I thought you aren't coming home today. . ." said Nako as she was confused as to why her dad was here early.

"I have an announcement and it concerns you and Eunbi-san at dinner"

"Oh ok. I'll just be in my room. Just call me when dinner is ready."

He nods and Eunbi sits on the couch and Mr.Yabuki starts a conversation with her.

"It's time for dinner, don't you think Eunbi-san"

"Hai, I'll go call Nako"

Eunbi went upstairs to Nako's room. She then knocked on the door. No response. She knocked again but louder.


"Sorry did I disturb you?"


"Dinner is ready, we'll wait for you." said Eunbi and then went back downstairs.

At the dinner table.

Nako's POV

"So Nako I heard that you skipped after lunch on your first day of school" told Oto-sama as he took a bite from his food.

My eyes widens and then I looked over to Eunbi-unnie and gave her a death glare.

Eunbi-unnie was just concentrated with eating her food and didn't look at me and would sometimes look at Oto-sama. I feel like they have a secret.

"If you think that it was Eunbi-san who told me. It wasn't. The school called."

And that is why I didn't want to transfer schools because of that...

It was a quiet dinner and when we reached dessert. Oto-sama cleared his throat. And then grabbed his wine and drank.

As he puts down his glass wine. And then his men and women comes to the dining and were standing behind me and Eunbi-unnie in a line.

"Everyone, I called you here because I have an announcement" he paused for a second before continuing.

Why am I here!

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