A New Lead

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"They are the sharpest team to
track down a drug bust
or killer on the loose.
These two never let down
their role to protect and arrest"


At Nako's place

Nako and Eunbi were cuddling with each other as both were still in a deep sleep. Due to Mr.Yabuki's request of having Eunbi stay with Nako for the night. Nako didn't hesitate to lend Eunbi-unnie some of her over size clothes and have Eunbi-unnie sleep beside her.

Since Nako made a lame excuse that all the guest rooms are locked and that it was more safer if Eunbi-unnie was beside her in case someone shoots at her from the window.

Since Eunbi-unnie didn't want to argue with Nako and just accepted it and they fell asleep facing their backs to each other. During the night, Nako was the first to cuddle to her unnie and smiled as she cuddled with her. As for Eunbi-unnie, her sleep mode body just went along and cuddled Nako.

In the morning







Ding x12

Eunbi groans at the sound of her phone vibrating on the night stand beside the bed. She ignored it and continued to cuddle with Nako. Until the sound continued again with text notifications.

Eunbi's POV

I was sleeping so peacefully for once until my stupid phone won't stop buzzing. I heard Nako was groaning from the annoyance of my phone. I then grabbed it and Chaeyeon was calling me.



Aish!! Wae!!

Is it your time of the
month unnie?

We were still sleeping
when you called

As in you slept with
your Boss's daugther!!

What!! No!!!
We just slept together
Side by side
Nothing else.
why are you
calling so early?

Yena just informed me
that Hyewon and Chaewon
helped a majijo student
Whom was stabbed
but they were able
to save her and she might
have saw the guy
It may be a lead to our case.
I'll go to the hospital
after class to visit the student
Will you come too?

For sure
if she is close with Nako
Then I will be going
and if Hyewon and Chaewon
are still there then
we need to ask them questions
well more like Yena has too
just in case you know...

Yeah of course,
I'll meet you later.
Need to get ready for school
See ya!

See you later!

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