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"Chaeyeon!! There is something that can help us move forward with the case!"said Eunbi-unnie to her partner whom was starting to fall asleep on her desk

"What is it, unnie?"asked Chaeyeon

"Well, the famous Yakuza, Yabuki has been seen around the area of the distribution of the those drugs"


"Well, he might be connected to the supplier and the murderer of those yankee girls"

"Yabuki is not going to collaborate with the law you know that most of his wealth is black market yet it never traces to him"explained Chaeyeon to Eunbi-unnie

"True, but what if we go undercover and be by his side?"

"Are you crazy!!!"

"Maybe but it might lead us to solving our case"

"Ok fine!"



So here is the prologue! The first chapter will come out after I update a chapter of my other book and also organize my ideas for this story. Please wait for it and also leave a comment and a vote. Thank you!!


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