First Day Undercover

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" She believed if you can't live seriously, then it's like you are already dead. She is the top of Rappappa."

"Me a bodyguard, NANI!!!"shouted Eunbi as she was surprised that they would just hired her after saving his daughter.

"So, Eunbi will you accept it or not?"asked Mr.Yabuki with an intense look in his eyes as he stared straight at Eunbi's eyes

Eunbi felt the intense gaze from the high boss. The room was feeling cold and an intense aura was surrounding her. Eunbi knew that it was risky working for a top Yakuza clan but she knew that she needing to take this job. For her undercover mission, she didn't want to drag more this case and find this supplier/murderer.

As she took a while to decide, Nako was now in front of her doing puppy eyes as if she really wanted Eunbi to become her bodyguard. It seemed like there was more to those eyes, that Eunbi did not know.

"Eunbi-nee, please accept it" cutely said Nako as she looked at Eunbi-unnie.

"I'll do it under one condition. That when this new rival clan is defeated, I'll no longer be this girl's bodyguard"

"Well then we have a deal, Eunbi" proudly said Mr.Yabuki as he then laughed out of the blue.

"Nako, tour Eunbi around the house and also we'll have a special dinner tonight for the newest addition to the Yabuki Clan."smiled Mr.Yabuki.


"Nee, Eunbi-nee thanks for earlier."thanked Nako as she bowed to her Eunbi-nee.

"Ah, no problem"replied coldly to Nako

"Why are you so stiff Eunbi-nee?"asked Nako



"oh yeah..."

"Anyways, when you are near my school or at school, don't call me by Nako"

"Why is it I can't call you Nako"

"At Majijo, we all go by alias names, well except for the president of Rappappa. Anyhow, just call me Namaiki ne!?!"

"Ok then Namaiki"

"Not here Eunbi-nee, we're at my place"


"You're Korean?"

"Ah yeah, came here when I was a teen"

"Oh so you old"

"Ya! I'm not old I'm 25, I'm still young!"

"If you say so Eunbi-nee"

"We say unnie for older sister, just saying"

"Oh ok then Eunbi-unnie, you should teach me korean unnie!"smiled Nako.

During dinner time, Eunbi sat beside Nako and Nako's father was seated in front of them. Eunbi was feeling a bit nervous when Nako saw the nervousness of her Eunbi-unnie, she held her hand and told her it's fine. While, they were eating, Mr. Yabuki was interrupted by this man with a slit scar on his left eyebrow. He whispered into Mr.Yabuki's ear and then Mr.Yabuki excused himself. Eunbi looked at the reaction of Mr.Yabuki but then Nako interrupted.

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