Home Country

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She waited
for her


Eunbi's POV

It felt unusual to be back here, I have left it for a while and every time it just feels weird to be back. But at least I visited. The first thing I did before searching Nako was to say hi to my family and I'm sure they will be surprised by my sudden visit.

I got the time to catch up with them with what was new and I also told them about Nako and being the new leader of a Yakuza group. They were in shock but I told them that I am changing the direction of the clan and that most of the members haven't done any criminal acts since they knew that I was a cop. I was happy to have other people just listen with what was happening and no one to reply back.

I stayed the night with them and went back to my old room. I saw everything from my childhood to up to deciding to move to Japan.

The Next Day

I started off going to the bakery I had mentioned to her when I told her that that was the first part-time job I got. I went inside and it felt awkward and I remembered every memory I had here. I went to buy a few bread and an Ice Coffee while I was here and then asked at the cashier if there was someone who passed by here regularly or works here named Nako. I described them how Nako looked and told them I was a detective. They replied back saying that they never saw anyone as I described.

Where could have you gone to Nako?!!!?

Whole day I walked around places that I presumed that Nako could be. But I kept hitting a dead end. I think that it was useless for me to have come here and I should have just waited for her to comeback. Yet, her father told me to find her. This just proves that I ain't the best detective if I can't even find Nako.

I was walking and walking until I stopped and saw the building that was just in front of me, JYPE. This is the building that the group Nako was a huge fan of, Twice. I also remembered that Chaeyeon's sister, Chaeryeong is a member of Itzy.

I recalled the time when Nako told me that if she wasn't the daughter of a Yakuza she would audition to become an idol. Since this is not Japan, nobody knows that she is the daughter of a Yakuza. She sang once to me and she does have an angelic voice.

I decided to go inside the building and went to the front desk and asked for Nako.


"Hi, how can I help you? do you have a meeting with anyone?"

"No, actually I was wondering if there is a person by the name Nako here? I am her fiancée.

"There is trainee named Nako"

"Is it possible to meet her?"

"I will ask if she is not busy"

"Thank you"

"No problem, you can wait by the cafe for her since that is the area for visitors"

"Ok thank you again"

They told me to wait by the cafe since Nako will be there soon. I ordered a coffee and went to take a seat and waited. I was thinking of all the situations when she sees me. Will she be happy? I don't think so. Will she come up to me and then slap me on the face? kick me? punch me? stab me? She was a yankee. But I don't think she would want people to know that as well. Or will she tell me to go to hell? But that doesn't sound like Nako at all.

Nako's POV

I was practicing a choreography when suddenly a staff member came into the practice room.



"Someone is here for you and they are waiting in the cafe on the main floor"

"Ah ok" I went out of the practice room and went to the elevator. I wonder who can it be since I don't really have any visit from anyone.

The elevator finally reached the main floor and it was opening slowly. I passed by the front desk and they signalled me the person who was waiting for me in the cafe was sitting with their back face to me.

I stopped in my tracks and was frozen for a moment as I know exactly who that person was just by their hair. I was walking backwards slowly but I was too slow. Eunbi-unnie turned around and saw me.

"Nako!" she came walking to me and I wasn't moving anymore.

"W-w-w-why are you here?" I stuttered

" Your father is worried sick of you and has been getting weaker every day. You must comeback home. Everyone misses you especially Sakura and Hitomi. Please comeback"

"I'm not going back home, I like it here"

"Nako, this isn't you"

"Right, like you are when you are the biggest liar there is. I know that you're a cop and that you never loved me. It was only an act as an undercover cop"

"Half of it is true but I did fall for you. Nako that is why I accepted the engagement"

"Right, like I will believe you again after you hid all of that"

"Nako, please believe me!"

"Nako! Is this person bothering you?" asked Jihyo-unnie

"Ani, Jihyo-unnie, the person was just leaving" I told Jihyo-unnie and walked away to go back to practice with Jihyo-unnie.

"You should leave before I call security" said Jihyo-unnie at Eunbi-unnie.

Eunbi's POV

I just stood there as I saw Nako walk away and I knew that I must convince her to come back.


So it's my birthday and I wanted to gift you readers with an update of this book.

Also, Happy Birthday to Sakura!!!

There is two chapters left for this book as I want to fully concentrate on my other book and this book is just dragging now. And if I kept dragging to long the update then I would lose interest in this book and won't update.

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