Night of the Stabbing

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" She looks innocent and harmless as
she was sleeping on the hospital bed.
She continued to sleep
not minding the noise "


Flashback to Chaekkura's night

Sakura's POV

"I'll report it when she wakes up and ask her about what happen. Thank you doctor" replied Chaeyeon.

As I was starting to wake up, I groaned in pain from the wounds of the fight. I looked to my side and saw Chaeyeon sensei bowing to the doctor and then went to my side.

"You're awake Sakura-chan, how are you feeling"asked Chaeyeon-sensei.

"how did I come here, Sensei?"

"You fainted on the streets and then I carried you here due to the wounds you have"

"Ah sokka"I said and then was about to get up and discharge. However, Chaeyeon sensei push me with two fingers on my forehead making me lay down again on the bed.

"You need to rest and you are discharging tomorrow morning before school starts so you get to freshen up"

"Sensei, you don't need to stay here you can go home"

"It's Chaeyeon when outside of school and I'm in no rush. Also my student got injured and I'm responsible for you since I was the one whom brought you here in the first place."said Chaeyeon as she looked intensely at me.


She went to the chair that is beside the bed and sat on it and crossed her arms and looked down. I think she was starting to fall asleep. I waited a few more minutes and noticed that she was almost falling from the chair.

I stood up and then carried her and lie her down on the bed and leaving some space for myself also. I then went beside her and fell asleep.

Chaeyeon's POV

For the first time in a while, I had the best sleep as I was waking up I noticed that someone was cuddling me and then when I opened my eyes, I was astounded that Sakura-chan was the one cuddling me and then I noticed that I was in the same bed as her. How the heck did I get here!!! I wasn't even drunk last night! As I kept looking at her sleeping face, Sakura-chan finally woke up and she looked at me and after realizing that she was cuddling me, she immediately remove her arms and stood up fast and took her stuff and left.

I was frozen a bit and then my phone was buzzing. It was Yena calling.



Yena, Wae?
Have the info for last night?

Actually Hyewon and Chaewon
Are in the hospital
They saved a majijo girl
Who got stabbed from the killer

I'll inform Eunbi-unnie
I'll be there in the afternoon

I'll text you the info
See Ya

See Ya

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