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" She was her bodyguard,
she felt that every day
she is spending with her,
she was getting more confused
about her feelings "


After the testimony of Hii-chan, she was now able to have some visitors. But most of the time Hitomi was still at the hospital, her room was guarded by two officers just in case the killer would come back.

Before her discharge day, Hitomi gets a visit from Chaewon and Hyewon.



"Hi, I'm Kim Chaewon"

"Kang Hyewon"

"Ah you two are the ones who saved me that day! Arigatoo!" Smiled Hitomi to the two and then bowed to them.

"Your welcome"both Hyewon and Chaewon said.

Hitomi's POV

I continued to smile at them and then one of the two kept grabbing my attention. I think it was Chaewon-chan. Her smile was very addictive.

"Is there anyway possible for me to repay you guys for saving me?" I asked them

"Buy us some food, I'm starting to get hungry"told Hyewon-chan but then ends up getting a slap on the arm by Chaewon-chan.

"Ya! That's the only thing you can think of! She is still a student. Honda-san.."

"Hitomi is fine"I said

"Well, Hitomi-chan you can just come by our diner after school, that's enough for us"


They then say their goodbyes since they had to go back to the diner since they didn't close today. I waved them a bye and smiled showing my cheeks. Chaewon-chan noticed my cheeky smile and smiled back. When the two left, two others came in more like three, it was Sakura and Nako with her bodyguard, Eunbi-unnie. They always come since the night I was admitted. They may seem like they have a cold attitude since we are yankees but deep down we all care for each other and that is why Majijo is always at the top.

Few Days Later

I was finally discharged from the hospital since my wound has fully healed. The next day, I went back to school. Hours passes by at school and then it was finally time to go home instead I decided to go to the diner of  Chaewon-chan and Hyewon-chan. I told Nako and Sakura about it and they agreed to go also. Of course, Nako's bodyguard was a few feet behind.

Eunbi's POV

Yena told me and Chaeyeon about Hitomi's testimony of the night she was stabbed and I can tell that there must be a betrayer in the Yabuki clan since the description of the man was clearly someone whom wanted to be at the top. And If I'm certain about it, the next person he will attack is either Nako or Sakura. One, Sakura has a connection with a leader of a Yakuza clan and two, Nako is the daughter of a Yakuza. Don't want these girls to die like the others. I took my job more seriously that I asked for permission at the school to be in the building and they accepted.

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