Engagement Party

185 13 2


She kept a secret
Didn't know what to do


No one's POV

Months have passed, Nako focused on her studies while Eunbi-unnie was focused on her new role as a Yakuza leader and fiancé of Nako. Eunbi continued to bodyguard Nako as well. But lately they have been in the dinner as their hangout with the gang.

It was the day of the engagement party, Mr. Yabuki was looking around his house and was in high alert in case his half-brother shows up. As for Nako and Eunbi-unnie they were both preparing to greet the guests. One by one, guests came in and congratulated Nako and Eunbi-unnie.

"Congrats you two!" said Chaewon as Hitomi gave them a card.

"Hey!!!" shouted Yena as she came in while holding hands with Yuri.

"Congrats on your engagement" said Chaeyeon and Sakura at the same time and went to joined the others at the table already seated and eating.

"Waaa!! Minju! There so much food let's go before there's no more left!" said Hyewon as she rushed to the tables leaving behind Minju to greet the engaged couple.

"Unnie! at least greet them!!" shouted Minju as she saw her Hyewon-unnie already eating cake.

"It's fine Minju, thanks for coming" smiled Eunbi-unnie as she saw the two of them.

"Come on Wonyoung!! It's your unnie!" Yujin shouted from outside but she can be heard in the house. As she was shaking Wonyoung's arm to make her come in to greet and eat.

"I don't want to!" shouted Wonyoung and Eunbi-unnie heard the ruckus.

"Nako, I'm just going out to see what is happening" excused Eunbi to Nako.


Eunbi went outside to see Wonyoung pouting and crossing her arms. While Yujin was like a puppy begging for Wonyoung to come inside as the giant puppy was getting hungry.

"Wonyoung. . . Please just at least come inside" softly requested Eunbi-unnie to Wonyoung as she knew that her little sister disagree with all of this.

"But unnie I don't understand why you agreed to marry her" told Wonyoung

"It's a bit complicated but I know I will be happy with Nako"replied Eunbi

Yujin went already inside when she saw Eunbi-unnie coming to talk to Wonyoung. For sure, Yujin went straight to get some food and sat with the others.

"I'm going in since Hyewon-unnie said that the food is good"said Wonyoung as she knew that she embarrassed her Eunbi-unnie with the shouting and all.

"Thank you"

Nako was talking to Sakura and Hii-chan that she did not notice that Eunbi-unnie went to have a talk with Yena and Chaeyeon.

"Hyewon-unnie, have you tried the parfait yet?" asked Yuri

"Not yet, but for sure I'm not leaving until I have tried every food here!" exclaimed Hyewon with determination in her eyes.

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