Graduation Day

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"She wanted to be at the Top
She got it but for what cause"


Few months later

Sakura's POV

I looked up to the bloomiz cherry blossom in front of the school gate. It was a bright pink.

A wind then blew by making a numerous petals fall on the ground and one landed on my forehead. I titled my face forward slowly to catch it but it went away.

I then opened my palm wishing for one sakura petal to fall in my hands.

"Well well it seem Majijo won't be in the top anymore!"

I rolled my eyes after hearing those words and then gave a death stare at the person.

I looked from head to toe and noticed that it was a Yabakune student.

"Don't be late for later. Our leader doesn't like it when people are late."

"Don't worry I'll be there early"

"Can't wait to see Majijo finally be at the bottom!! Ahahhahaha" evil laughed the girl.

She then walked away feeling proud about putting pressure on top 1 of Majijo. I'm certain that they have something up their sleeves if she is laughing crazily. I will be cautious because of that.

"Sakura-chan aren't you going to be late for your graduation ceremony if you just stand there?" asked Chaeyeon

I just looked at her and then nod my head. I followed behind Chaeyeon to the school. The school was fully decorated for the graduation ceremony and instead of heading to the classroom, we went straight to the gym. I looked around and saw all the other students, some were feelings sad about leaving since they now have to face the real world. I too will have to face the real world now. But what is still bothering me, is Nako's bodyguard and her closeness with Chaeyeon.

I don't know why but the time when I was at their place, I felt something that made my blood boil after Eunbi gave a back hug to Chaeyeon.

"Miyawaki Sakura!" called the principal.

"Sakura, its your turn to go up" told one of my classmate. I just nod and then started to walk up to the stage to get my diplomat.

"Congratulations on graduating"

I bowed to the principal and then faced the crowd and from the corner of my eye. I saw Chaeyeon mouthing "Congratulations Saku-chan"

I smiled and then proceeded to leave the stage for the next student to come up stage.

After the Ceremony

We are now in the Rappappa base and then I looked out the window as I relaxed my mind before going out with the gang to battle those Yabakune. I'm certain that Gekioko will be there as well to fight both schools.

Knowing those outcome, I asked someone close to bring back a few OG to this battle.

"Who should be next for president?" asked one of the first year

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