Chapter 20- Damion (Edited)

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I watched as Bethany Ann sat down with the humans, that were counted as outcasts  even amongst their own kind. A frown appeared on my face, because I didn't like it that she hadn't given me a second glance or even looked for me in that matter.

'Cheer up,' Mike said, seeing that I was frowning towards my mate. He nudged me before grinning like an idiot. 'She will come around, Damion. Remember, you need to figure out about her past and get her to trust you before you can do anything with the relationship that you two are supposed to have.' He raised an eyebrow, giving me a knowing look.

I whined through the link, but I knew that he was right. I had to see what had made her turn out the way that she was, even if I wouldn't like it in the end. 'I don't even know where to start,' I replied, helplessly. I moved a hand through my hair, feeling very exasperated. 'I know that if I asked Bethany Ann what had happened, then she would probably not tell me what had happened to her. If she catches me with her book, then I don't know what would happen between us.' I played with my food, not feeling that hungry anymore. That was unusual for a Wolf, because we were always hungry.

Mike didn't say a word while he checked around us, making sure that all of the pack members were behaving themselves. "What is Cassandra up to?" he asked out loud, his voice in a whisper. Most of the conversations stopped, and my pack turned to look at him before looking towards where Cassandra had went.

"I don't know, but $50 that Sandra is going to get her ass whooped by the new girl," one of my members said, catching my interest.

I looked up, hearing the mention of my mate. "Huh?" I asked, glancing around at my pack before I looked to where they were looking at.

A small frown appeared on my face while I saw that Cassandra was going over to where Bethany Ann was finally talking to some of the group members. I concentrated on my hearing, curious on what she had to say, even though I was sure that it was nothing interesting.

"No, we can't get 5 from 2. If we multiply 2 to 5, we get 10," Bethany Ann replied.

"We can get 5 from two," another person replied.

"How?" She glanced at them, cocking an eyebrow.

The person that she was talking to shifted in his seat, feeling slightly uncomfortable with her tense gaze. "We just... can?" It sounded more like a question than anything else.

Bethany Ann snorted and rolled her eyes. "Ya, you don't know how." She cocked her head and raised an eyebrow, sensing someone behind her. She yawned and stretched outwards, hitting whatever my sister had in her hands, causing whatever it was to go all over her, instead of my mate.

"You stupid bitch!" Cassandra exclaimed, making everyone stop and turn towards them, Humans and Werewolves alike. She moved her hands across her face, getting some of what looked like spaghetti off of her face.

"Uh oh," one of my pack mates muttered. "She's going to get hurt."

"I don't think so," Mike replied. He glanced at the male that had said about her getting hurt. "I think that Cassandra might get hurt."

"And why do you stay that, Mike?" the guy asked. The guy raised his eyes, probably wondering why he thought Bethany Ann wouldn't get hurt.

"Well, Steven, if you can tell, the new girl looks to have been through shit," he replied. He nodded his head to where Bethany Ann was just watching Cassandra with a calculating glance. "She probably might be able to protect herself."

Steven snorted, but he didn't say a thing that would change what Mike had said. He folded his arms to his chest and blinked. "I'll bet $10 that Cassandra will win between those two."

"Look, I don't think that we should bet on whomever would win. I mean, it's not right and we don't know what either girl will do," I said. I couldn't help but think that Bethany Ann would be able to defeat Cassandra.

Steven rolled his eyes, annoyed that I was not wanting to bet or do anything with her. "This is your sister and then some bitch. You don't want to bet on them?"

Mike growled softly, causing Bethany Ann to glance over to where we were at. He shut up instantly, not wanting anyone else to know that she was actually able to hear whatever anyone was saying.

She didn't say a word to us, while she looked at my sister, who was still ranting and raving about whatever the hell was on her mind. "Are you done?" she asked, cutting off my sister, who was surprised that she had cut her off. "I mean, I'm done with my meal, and I think that I should get going to see if I can't call my bosses to let them know that I will be a bit late to work." She stretched and yawned. "I don't need to deal with some slut who would try something like... dumping her food over me." She stood, watching Cassandra, not trusting her. "Now, if you excuse me, I'm gonna go make the call."

With that, she shoved past her and started to walk away.

"Here it comes," Steven muttered, seeing that Cassandra was about to attack her. "That bitch is not going to know what hit her."

I watched in horror as Cassandra made a fist and was about to punch her. I knew that I wouldn't be able to help Bethany Ann out because I couldn't let anyone else know that she was my mate just yet.

A startled yelp came across the whole cafeteria, and I opened my eyes, not knowing that I closed them.

My eyes widened in surprise as what I had saw before was not something that I would be expecting.


A/N: What do you think happened? Do you think that Cassandra will get her ass whooped now or later? Find out in Chapter 21.

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