Chapter 16- Damion (Edited)

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A/N Omnomnomnomnom. O.O Sorry, I didn't know what to put so I did something random. xD


I shifted in my seat, waiting for her to arrive. I knew that she would be in the same classes as me, since I had made her schedule that way. I had seen that she was in all Honors and Advance Placement classes, which I was in also, even though I had Alpha duties to perform as well.

No one knew that Bethany Ann was my mate other than Mike, Clarice, Reece, Joey and Josh Lumpkin. Not even Lauren knew, even though she was the one that looked after the students and made sure that every schedule was made.

'Alpha, the new girl has arrived,' Lauren said. 'We might want to watch out for her. She might try and cause problems with us.' There was a small bit of dislike in her voice that I could hint on.

'Thank you, Lauren,' I replied a smirk on my face. 'I hope that she won't cause any problems, but we will keep an eye on her.'

'Thank you, Alpha.'

I chuckled softly and leaned back in my seat. At that instant, I smelt her scent and knew that she was close by. I could feel her hesitating before she finally knocked on the door, waiting for someone to let her into the classroom.

Mr. Trent, the Honors Math teacher, stopped his teaching and frowned. Everyone knew that he hated to be interrupted, so this was something that got to him. He opened the door, revealing Bethany Ann, who was looking rather cautious. "Why are you dis- oh, a new student," he said, letting her come in. His whole body language relaxed, and he actually smiled at her. "Come, come and tell the class your name and anything like that."

Bethany Ann stepped in, looking beautiful as ever. Her red hair seemed to shine in the light from the window, while her green/silver eyes flicked across the classroom before they landed on me. A frown appeared on her face, and she gave me a look as if to say 'I know you did this', before she looked back at the teacher. "I would like to stay unnoticed, if that is all right," she muttered, so that only he and my pack members could hear. "That means I wouldn't like to say something about me."

"Can you at least tell us where you're from and your name please?" Mr. Trent asked, feeling impatient with her.

Bethany Ann frowned, moving the scarf to cover more of her scar before she went to stand in front of the classroom. She nodded her head in greeting, while she looked at each of my classmates. "My name is Bethany Ann Evergreen," she said, her voice clear and soft. "I am from over different places, and that is all that you will know about me." With that, she walked to an empty desk and sat down, ignoring everyone and focusing on the teacher.

A couple of people chuckled at her statement, and I could hear that my pack members were talking about her through the pack link.

'Dude, I think she knows that you ordered Josh to move her here,' Mike said, making sure to keep the link closed between him and I. 'Did you see that look she sent you?'

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. 'No, I was focusing on what Mr. Trent was teaching,' I replied, sarcastically, making Mike snort. 'Of course I noticed the look that she had sent me.'

"Alright class, settle down, and let's get back to work," Mr. Trent said. "Miss Evergreen, you are from Danon High, yes?"

"Yes, Sir," she replied. "And I will hopefully be returning there after a month." She turned to look at me, giving me a pointed look before turning to look at him.

Mr. Trent frowned, seeing the look that she had given me. He moved a pen between us, probably confused. "Do you two... know each other?"

"I work at Ruby Tuesdays," she replied. "His face is familiar, but I can't pinpoint his name."

"Do you know the rules of this school?"

"Are you inaugurating me in front of the whole class, Sir?"

"That I am. Now, do you know the rules?"

"To not look, speak, or make certain people angry," she replied, mimicking Lauren's pitchy voice. "It is for your own protection that you don't."

There was a couple of covered up laughs, and I couldn't help but grin. She was going to make our lives interesting, that was for certain.

Mr. Trent frowned. "Are we going to have any troubles, Miss Evergreen?" There was a bit of a warning in his voice, indicating that she better change her attitude and quickly.

Bethany Ann cocked her head and studied him. Her attitude didn't change, and it was clear that Mr. Trent founded her a bit overwhelming by his shifting gaze. "Let me get one thing clear, Sir. Whatever big or bad thing that is here, I am sure that I have faced a lot worse. If you should know, I live in The Hood with only my two hands to protect me. I do not fear easily, seeing mostly the worst every day. What that means, I am not going to say, but don't expect me to do something that I consider stupid."

"And what do you consider stupid, Miss Evergreen?"

The bell rang, signalling the end of class. However, no one moved, wanting to hear what Bethany Ann had to say. They were interested in her, and I could here from my pack members, that they were kind of nervous about who she was. They were wondering if she was some sort of Hunter that was to spy on them. A few glanced my way, wanting to see what I was doing.

Bethany Ann didn't say a word while she packed her bag. She stood, staying silent and made it to the door. With her hand on the door handle, she turned and looked straight into Mr. Trent's eyes. "The rules about not talking or interacting with other people are stupid. If I see one of those people bullying someone else, then I will stand up for the underdog. I will not throw the the first punch, but I will throw the last. Don't let the way that I look influence any ideas of who I am. I am stronger than I look and probably smarter."

On that note, she opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind her.

I took a deep breath, not realizing that I had been holding it. I was surprised and shocked about what I had heard from her. However, I didn't expect it any less.

Bethany Ann was truly a remarkable female, and I could see that she would be changing lives as well as having her life changed.


A/N: One thing. Go girl power. xD I had fun writing this chapter and the next. It's good to have fun and let your weirdness show in your writing. And, I do know that I'm weird. (Hence the omnomnomnom xD)

As always, thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and/or comment.

Peace Fluffy Munchkins,


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