Chapter 6- Damion (Edited)

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My whole body relaxed because I knew that the person was fake. However, I stiffened again, because I wondered why she had to lie about something like that.

'She is hiding some things,' Mike said, voicing my thoughts through our link. 'And it looks like she knows what we are and that might be the reason why she doesn't trust us.'

'Maybe we should get to know her and ask some people if they know her,' Chloe said, voicing her thoughts.

'But what if she doesn't say anything about it? Or she doesn't want to?' I asked feeling a little bit nervous. I clenched my hands and took a deep breath. 'What if I find out about her past, and she doesn't want me?' That would be a very bad thing. I had no idea what I would do if she did reject me. I might turn rogue and get away from my pack. I didn't want them to get hurt.

'Breathe, Alpha,' Mike said, punching my arm, teasingly. 'If you do find out about her past, all you have to do is make her feel like she is wanted and that you are into her. She will understand. It might take some time, but you will be able to do it.'

I sighed and nodded my head as I watched her pick up dishes and talk to the other customers. Jealous twinged my stomach as she smiled at some of what men said, but I didn't say anything. This was her job and from what I gathered, and she lived by herself.

The door opened and another customer came in. "Wait to be seated," a girl said. "Would you stop?"

"Move, I don't want anything to eat," the male said.

I turned to look at the front before looking at Bethany to see her stiffen a little. I stiffened also, not liking that she was nervous about something. I guess it was something to do with the male that had came in.

"Bu- Hey! No pushing, Idiot!" the flustered female said.

"Whatever," the male called before he walked, more like swaggered, over to my mate. "Hey, Bethie," he said, trying to seduce her as he moved towards her field of vision. "Did you miss me?"

I growled a little, making her look at me and narrowing her eyes in warning. I stopped mid-growl, surprised that she heard me growl. 'She has Werewolf blood in her,' I said to Mike and Chloe. I didn't need to look at them to know that they agreed with me.

Bethany Ann didn't look at the male as she started to pick up dishes, again. "Go away, Luke. I don't want to deal with you nor Fred," she spat.

"Awwww, come on, Baby. Fred told me that you could hit me up."

"Ya, with a fist. That asshole placed drugs in my drink and then raped me. There goes my trust in men, again." Bethany placed another plate in the bucket, and it almost clattered there. Her whole body was tense as, again, she ignored him, moving to another table.

'Kill him and his friend! She is mine and only mine!' Bane roared, angrily, trying to take control.

'Careful, Alpha,' Mike warned. 'She might be able to handle herself. If she needs help, then we'll help her. Until then, calm your wolf.'

'She is ours. Let's see what happens,' I said to Bane.

Bane growled one more time before backing away. However, I could tell that he was at the edge, ready to come out if our mate got hurt.

"Come on, Bethie. He says you were good in bed and that you've done it more times in the past. What is one more time?"

Bethany Ann frowned. "I grew up and learned what could happen, Idiot," she said as she shoved him away to go to another table and clean that up.

The male, Luke, followed her and touched her around the waist, making her stiffen a little. "Come on, please?" He leaned closer to her ear. "Just this once and then I'll leave you alone?"

Beth glanced up and saw someone. She raised an eyebrow and a smirk appeared on her face as she got a signal for what she wanted to do. She turned to look at him a sweet smile on her face, making the male grin as if he won the lottery.

He was leaning to kiss her, but there was a loud thunk and he was on the table with Beth standing over him, holding a... spoon to his throat. Her other hand was grabbing where the sun doesn't shine with one leg crossing around his.

'Get her off of him!' Bane growled. 'She should be doing that to us! Without the spoon and grabbing your part like that.'  He lost his anger as he saw the way she was holding him. 'You know what, never mind.'

'Yes, I don't want to be in his position,' I told him. 'Now, shush, I want to see what happens.'  

Bane growled a little, but he kept silent.

"Now, what is that you wanted to do?" she asked all sweet and innocent. However, I could feel the anger and challenge coming off of her like waves. "You were wanting to leave and leave me alone? Good, I'll let you go, so you can."

"What if I like this position? You only have a spoon, and I could knock you out right now," Luke said, challenge in his voice.

Bethany Ann chuckled, menacingly, making me shiver. "Oh, I can do a lot of damage with a spoon," she said a sneer in her voice. "Or I could rip your part off, and you won't have any children. Do not test my patience, Boy. I have no time for man-whores."

"Look who's talking," Luke snapped, not fearing for his life or... his manhood. "The whore of the season."

A smirk dazzled her face, making her look a little more evil than the sneer. "More like being sold," she said, sweetly, warning lacing her tone. "And now, if you don't care about your parts, then I'll castrate you right now, with my bare hands."

I could see a bit of fear flash through his eyes. "You're not strong enough. You can't do it."

Bethany Ann leaned closer to him, her mouth next to his ear. I had to strain my hearing, so I could hear what she said. "Do you want to make a bet? It'll hurt like hell. Now, be a good boy and run like dogs are chasing you." With that she squeezed once on his friend before releasing him.

Luke didn't say a word and ran out of Ruby Tuesdays.

A lot of people clapped for Bethany, making her already red face, flush to a darker red. She placed the spoon back into the bucket and went back to work.

Pride filled my system. She would make a fine Luna, keeping the other members of pack on their toes.

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