Chapter 15- Bethany Ann (Edited)

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"I have to do what?"  I asked, staring at my teacher in shock. It was the beginning of the school day, and I was in Mr. Lumpkin's class, handing in the homework that I was supposed to do, which had taken me some time to complete. "What do you mean by I'm not in this school anymore?" A small growl escaped my lips while I narrowed my eyes.

Mr. Lumpkin didn't look up while he was fiddling with a piece of paper. He probably didn't want to meet my hard gaze, knowing that I was not in the mood to be pushed around. "You have been transferred to Peaks High," he replied. "You should probably start going. It will take you a little bit longer to get there."

"So, I didn't need to do this paper and get only five minutes of sleep?" I asked, growling some more. I narrowed my eyes, hating the fact that I was going to be in a place that was known for richer folks than this school. "Do you even realize that I will be the social outcast there, more than I am here?"

Mr. Lumpkin flinched, probably forgetting the fact that not a lot of people wanted to deal with someone from Ram's Inn. "I'm sure that you will stake your ground soon," he replied. "And, you did have to do the assignment. I had just gotten the orders of you to transferring to that school early this morning."

"By whom?" I asked.

"That information is classified," he replied, quickly. He finally looked up, meeting my hard gaze before looking down again and gulped. "However, what I had thought about was just letting you stay there for a month, to see if everything would work out."

"You do realize that all of my jobs are on this side of town, and it will take me 45 minutes to get to my job from Peak's High. I start like almost right after school with both Ruby Tuesday's and José's Auto Car Repair shop. And not to mention that I have 2 jobs that do start close together."

Mr. Lumpkin sighed before nodding. "I know," he replied. "However, I had my orders to do it, and I had to listen to my superiors." He cleared his throat. "I don't like this as much as you do."

"Then why am I doing it?"

"Because, I could get in trouble if I didn't do it."

I sighed, not really wanting him to get into trouble. "So it's just for a month, and if I need to, then I can just come back here?" I asked, sounding defeated.

Mr. Lumpkin nodded his head. "We basically follow the same standards as Peaks High, and since you are in all Honor's or Advance Placements, you shouldn't have a problem catching up with what they are doing."

I nodded my head. "If my truck breaks beyond anything that I or Josè can fix, then you are buying me a new one." With that, I turned on my heel and walked out of the class, ignoring the curious glances my way while they walked into the classroom.

'How much do you want to bet that Damion had something to do with this?' I asked Laurie, making her chuckle in response.

'Everything,' she replied with a slight purr in her voice.

I rolled my eyes but smiled a little, finding it amusing that she was sounding like a love sick pup- er, Wolf.


I pulled my truck into the parking lot of Peaks High and instantly noticed the richness of this place. There wasn't a single beat up looking machine, like my own. Instead, there looked to be more Mercedes than anything else.

I sighed and shook my head, not liking that this was going to be my new "home" for a month. I knew that this was a public school as well, but it made me think that it would be better if it was counted as a private than not.

The whole school building was made of bricks and more bricks. There was probably a lot of windows, making me think that most of the classes had them. The building was probably 4 stories high, and I was sure that there was probably two or more elevators in the building.

While I walked to the front entrance, I noticed that the grass was green, even though it was starting to become spring from winter.

A frown appeared on my lips when I saw that there were students out, probably ditching their first class. I could feel their eyes on me, probably wondering why I was there, even though I had "older" types of clothing as well as a backpack.

I shook my head and sighed, not wanting to think about how this was going to be a long month, even though I didn't care about what they thought about me, since I was just going to be here for a month.


"Hi, you must be Bethany Ann Evergreen," the receptionist said while I walked into the main office. She stood with a smile on her face and walked over to me, probably wanting to shake my hand. "I know Josh Lumpkin, and he told me how much of a great student you are."

The female stood about 5'6 and had very blue eyes, that made me think of the ocean. She had somewhat pale skin that contrasted from her dark purple outfit that she was wearing. Her brown hair was pulled into a French Braid, but some of it was falling out, so there were a couple of curls surrounding her face.

I nodded my head in greeting, keeping both hands on my bag. "Yes, that is me," I replied. "And you are..?"

Realization dawned in her blue eyes, as she noticed that she hadn't introduced herself. "I'm sorry, Dear," she said before she grinned and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Lauren Pearce, and I deal with the students, well with schedules and stuff."

I nodded my head and shook her hand, hesitantly. "It's nice to meet you, Ms. Pearce," I replied. "Now, what do I need to know or do so I can get to class?"

Ms. Pearce nodded her head. "Oh right." She went back to her desk and got my schedule and a class map before coming back to me. "Now, there are a couple of rules that you nee to abide by. One of the rules is not to make some people mad. They can be highly dangerous. Another rule is to steer clear of those certain people, because they will hurt you."

"Highly doubt that," I muttered under my breath, causing her to frown. I cleared my throat. "Continue," I said, cocking my head while I waited for her to carry on.

"Another thing is that there will be absolutely no fighting with anyone."

"Here's the thing that you need to know about me, Ms. Pearce," I said. "I will protect the underdog. If I see that they are being bullied or something of that nature, then I will step in. I only have a month of this before I go back to where I am familiar with. I am not afraid to make someone feel stupid, if they try to do something to me that I do not like. Another thing is I will not throw the first punch, but I will definitely throw the last."

"Highly doubt that," Ms. Pearce muttered before clearing her throat. "Well, I think that is it. I think that you will be able to find your classes, because I marked where they are on the map. If you have any questions, then you can come here and ask."

I nodded my head, staying silent. I turned around and left, not looking back. I kind of figured out that the people she was talking about were Werewolves, but I didn't know how many there were at this school.

All I knew was that I would be able to tell before anyone could tell that I was a Half-Breed. That was one secret that I wanted to keep.


A/N: Well, did this satisfy your needs? How do you like Ms. Pearce? Kind of whiny don't cha think? And guess what? She was pissed about having to transfer. How will Damion fair?

As always, don't forget to vote, comment, follow, read other books of mine (etc.)

Peace out Fluffy Munchkin.

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