Extra #3- You Are Her Mate? (Joshua Lumpkin's POV)

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A/N: Remember, Mr. Lumpkin is Bethany Ann's teacher. xD This is the first one that will be in his POV, I might have more of them. Anyways, enjoy.

Question before chapter: Who likes Harry Potter? And what house are you in?


(The night when Bethany Ann moves Carrie and her son)

Bethany Ann was a character in her own right. She was strong, one of the strongest females that I have ever met in my years of teaching.

Her kindness outshone the darkness that she portrayed and made people believe catched my breath away. That was why when she had me take those two to the airport to wherever they were going, I did it. I could not do it for a female that didn't ask for favors, stating that she didn't need anything given to her.

I sighed and shook my head, running a hand through my hair. I couldn't help but chuckle because I had seen the anger that she possessed when there was bullying or abuse first hand.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself when I saw that there was a truck in my driveway.

'The Alpha's son,' my Wolf, Jeremiah growled with caution. 'Be careful.'

I grunted as I parked my car behind his and got out. My whole body was tense, and I could feel my Wolf move around in my mind, ready to come out to protect the girl we called our daughter, even if it wasn't to her face.

I went around to the driver's side and knocked on the window, smirking when they jumped up from their nap. It flickered to a frown when the young Alpha growled at me.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes before rolling the window down. He looked exhausted, and I couldn't help but wonder how long he has been up for. "Yes?" he asked, his mouth opening bit as he yawned again.

I knew that I couldn't trust him, but I had to be nice to him because his father had let me be on this land after my mate had been killed by a Rogue. "Is there a reason why you are parked here?" I asked, keeping my voice leveled and respectful.

He nodded. "Can we come in?" he asked. "It won't take that long."

I frowned, not liking the fact that he didn't tell me as to why he wanted to come into my home. 'What do you think?' I asked my Wolf. 'Shall we let him in?'

'Yes,' Jeremiah replied. 'It would be rude if we didn't allow him into our home.'

I bit back a sigh of annoyance, because I knew just how messy my house was. I nodded my head towards the house before moving towards it. I didn't care if he followed me or not. He wasn't my responsibility, and I wasn't apart of his pack.


"I'm sorry about the mess," I said, clearing some books of a couch and then putting them on a chair that was close by. "I wasn't expecting any company, well the Alpha of the pack." I glanced at him before moving some other books and standing. I knew that it was a part of my duty to ask if he needed something before I sat down, so I did that. "Now, would you like anything to eat or drink?"

He sat down and indicated that I could do so, which I did cautiously. "What do you know about Bethany Ann?" he asked, bluntly.

I frowned and looked at him, trying to watch his motives as to why he wanted to know about Bethany Ann. My whole body was tense, and I was ready to attack if need be. "What do you want with Bethany Ann?" I asked with warning. I bowed my head instantly when the young Alpha growled but kept quiet. I wasn't going to say anything about her because it wasn't his responsibility nor was it mine.

"What my friend, and Alpha, is trying to say is that Bethany Ann is his mate. He is just wondering about what do you know about her and information like that. He had seen the scar on her neck, and he had felt very protective of her. He, also, knows that she lives in Ram's Inn, and that you are her teacher," the Beta, Mike, said finally.

I frowned and mulled over the Beta's words with my Wolf. I could feel my Wolf wanting to take control and just tell them to leave her alone or do something stupid. I quickly got my Wolf under control but could feel him close if I needed him.

"Before I say anything, I want this to be clear, I care about Bethany Ann as if she is my own daughter. That girl had been through a lot of pain and heartache all ready. She doesn't need anymore." I paused and sighed. "That being said, will you reject her because she is a Half-Breed, and she can't shift into her Wolf?"

I could see the shock in his eyes and that caused my Wolf to relax slightly. He shook his head, indicating that he wasn't going to reject the spitfire female that we claimed as our daughter. "Bethany Ann is a strong female. I've seen it and so has my Beta. I had fallen for the way that she held herself and for the fact that she won't back down from a fight. I know that her past has been hard, but I want to try to help her in anyway possible."

I studied the young Alpha to make sure that he did mean what he said and nodded in conformation. I stood and started to look for the journal that Bethany Ann had given me three years ago stating everything, or everything she remembered, from her childhood. "Now, I can't tell you anything about her past. However, I can give you something that will help. Bethany Ann doesn't trust easily, and a single thing can make her mistrust you again. It's hard to earn it and harder to keep it." I found the journal underneath some books and brought it over to him. I knew that there was a code, but I couldn't give him that information, even if he had ordered me. "This will tell you what had happened to her. It's starts from what she can remember and such."

He took the journal and opened it. His face fell when he saw that the whole thing was in code. "Is this some sort of joke?" he asked, flipping through the book some more. "There's nothing in here."

I placed my hands behind my back and leaned back. "She wrote it in code. You will need to figure it out, or she will have to tell you what the key is. I had promised her that I wouldn't tell anyone about what I had read in the book." Guilt gnawed at my stomach because I felt guilty for giving him the book. It should've been up to Bethany Ann to have him know, but I took that away from her.

He flipped through it some more before closing it with a huff, not finding anything he needed."Now, I want her transferred to my school. Since you are her teacher, and I'm sure advisor, can you see if that can happen? My Wolf and I want her close by."

I nodded my head, a feeling of sadness washing over me. I knew that that meant that I wouldn't be able to see the female everyday. I couldn't protect her like I did some at the school. "I will see what I can do." I cleared my throat and kept myself from saying what I wanted to say. "Is there anything else?"

He shook his head and stood, clutching the journal to him. "No," he replied. "Thank you for your help. I'll show myself out." With that, he turned around and started towards the door, followed by his Beta.

"Take good care of her," I called out, praying to the Goddess that he keeps to his promise and not reject her.

He stooped at the door and nodded his head. "I was going to," he replied. He left the house, closing the door behind him.

As soon as he was gone, I sat down where I had been standing and moved a hand through my hair. Some weight had been lifted off of my shoulders because I knew that Alpha Damion was going to take good care of her.

However, more weight seemed to be added back on my shoulders, because I had no idea if she would forgive me for giving him the journal. "I'm sorry, Beth," I muttered under my breath. "I'm so, so sorry."  


Answer to question of Chapter: Me. ^-^/ So, I took three quizzes. Two of them said Ravenclaw and one said Hufflepuff. So, I guess I am a Ravenpuff or a Huffleclaw(?).

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