Chapter 11- Bethany Ann (Edited)

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I walked to my truck, feeling tired and ready for bed. I had worked overtime, because another member had to leave early, so I didn't get done until 11:30pm. However, Roger had set me down and told me to eat something and do my homework, knowing that I would be leaving later than planned.

'Someone is watching you,' Laurie said, breaking me from my thoughts. There was a bit of calm in her voice as well as a bit of warning. It was as if she knew what was watching over us and wasn't really upset about it.

My whole body tensed when she said that, and I glanced around, trying to see who was watching me. I knew that Damion would have sent people out to try and find information about me, but I didn't know where he send them or when he would send them. 'Where?' I asked.

'I don't know, but I would keep your guard up.'

I nodded my head, agreeing with her. I bit back a sigh and walked to my truck. I bit my lip and glanced around, trying to see where I was being looked watched, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I bit back a huff, not knowing where the person was and opened my truck door, gritting my teeth together.

'We'll find whomever is following you later,' Laurie reassured me, making me calm down a bit. 'They will make a mistake, and we will know whomever it is.'

I grunted and nodded my head. I didn't say a word while I got in and closed the door to my truck. I knew that I might be able to lead them away from where I was staying, but I knew that it would take some time and patience.

The good thing was, I had enough time in the world, since I was living by myself. I didn't even have to worry about anyone or anything, even though I knew that was going to change, if I was to be accepted by my mate.


I pulled into my apartment complex and got out of the truck, locking it behind me. I had passed a couple of cop cars that were stopping a drug bang and checking to make sure that others didn't have any drugs either. One of the cops had stopped me, and I showed him my information, which let me pass them without getting out of the truck. I had seen a bit of confusion on his face, since I was an 18 year old female and lived in The Hood by myself. Thankfully, he didn't question it.

'There is a car on the other side, and the people inside are watching you,' Laurie said, while I got out of my truck.

I glanced around and saw an old Mercedes with it's lights on before they flicked off. I knew that they had caught me looking at them, and I couldn't help but smirk. 'Thinking what I'm thinking?' I asked.

'That they are Werewolves, and they are part of our mate's pack?' Laurie asked. 'Yes.'

I grunted and started to walk towards the car. 'I don't want to be followed.'

'I know, I'll talk to them, if they don't move.' She paced around my mind, and I knew that she was wary of them. The only Wolf that she did trust was Mr. Lumpkin, but we both knew that we might have to trust our mate. Laurie purred and flicked her tail. 'I can't wait to meet his Wolf.'

I bit back a snort while I walked towards the car and tapped on the window, causing two figures to jump. A smirk appeared on my face before it disappeared while one rolled down the window. I leaned into the car and glanced at them, seeing a pair of blue eyes and then a pair of green eyes, looking at me, probably shocked that I had caught them so quickly. "Were you two following me from Ruby Tuesdays, by any chance?" I asked, letting a small bit of 'I know you did' in my voice.

The one in the driver seat cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably underneath my hard gaze. He didn't say anything, probably seeing that Laurie was close to the surface, since my eyes felt like they had a bit more silver in them.

"What if we weren't?" the second male replied, making me turn my gaze towards him.

I raised an eyebrow."You are driving a nice Mercedes, even though it is old," I replied. "That's what $200,000? My point is, you are driving an expensive car. That means that you are not from around here. In saying that, I know that you are following me and..." I lowered my voice, "I know what you are."

The two men looked at each other, staying silent. I knew that they were talking through mindlink, probably wondering how I know.

'Let me talk to them,' Laurie said.

I frowned, knowing that it would put a lot of strain on her, since I couldn't shift into her form, even when I was in danger. 'Are you sure?' I asked, worried about my Wolf and only friend.

'Yes.' There was a bit of confidence in her voice, that let me back up and let her take control. I knew that my eyes turned almost all the way silver with flecks of green in it, since I wasn't in control. Everything was more vibrant, and I could smell everything, but that was only because she was in control. I forgot how nasty that everything smelt down here, since I was used to it, but with her nose, it smelt ten times worse.

Laurie cleared our throat, making both of them turn to look at us. A smile was on my face, but I knew that Laurie was doing it. "I am Laurie, Loves," I, well Laurie, said. "Your Luna's Wolf."

They both looked at each other again before looking back at us.They both took a deep breath, before confusion reached their eyes.

"But... you smell Human," the first one said.

Laurie chuckled. "That's because she can't shift into me," she replied. "However, I am there and guide her through her problems."

They glanced at each other before looking at me.

"Why are you talking to us?" the passenger asked. "And I'm Recce and this is Joey." He gestured towards himself and then to the driver.

"Because, I want you to leave her alone and not follow her anymore," Laurie replied, making a serious look on her face. "She doesn't trust your kind, being almost kill-"

'Don't,' I said, interrupting her. 'Not yet.'

A small sad smile appeared on our face. "I'm not allowed to say why she doesn't trust you. It is not my place to tell."

"But you are our Luna, why would we hurt you?"

She shrugged our shoulder with a sad sigh. "Again, it is not my place to tell. You will learn about it soon, I am sure." She cleared her throat, before tapping into our power, which made me whistle in surprise. I couldn't believe that they bowed their heads instantly, being submissive. "Now, I am sorry, but I have to order you to go home. Do not follow us again. Also, tell Damion that if he wants to learn about us, then he has to earn our trust. It isn't given like some people do."

"Yes, Luna," they chorused before Joey started the car.

Laurie backed us up, and we watched them leave and drive back towards their house. 'That'll make him mad, but I don't really care,' she said, letting me have control again. She sighed before she curled into a ball.

'Thanks, Laurie,' I replied before I started to walk towards my apartment room, fiddling with my keys.

'No problem, Dear,' she replied before she stayed silent, probably falling asleep.

I couldn't agree more with and wanted to just curl up into a small ball and go to sleep also. However, a bit of rustling in a bush in front of my door, stopped me from opening my door instantly and made me tense. Someone was there, and I knew it. I wasn't going to let them get into my room.

"Bethany Ann?" a sleepy kid voice asked and a young boy appeared out of the bush.


A/N Dun Dun Dunnn. Now, who is this young boy that is out late at night? Any guesses?

As always, don't forget to vote and/or comment.

Thanks, Fluffy Munchkins




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