Extra #2- Wait, Ya'll aren't Human?- Bethany Ann's POV

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A/N: So, here is another extra. Are there scenes that you want to see or not? I do take ideas.

Question of Chapter: Who do you think is not human in Bethany Ann's Group? I just want to see if there are any guesses. xD


1 month after prom

I sat down at the corner booth of May's Diner, a place where I usually met with the group of people I was not afraid to call my family. I sighed and moved a hand through my hair and leaned back in my seat, a ghost of a smile appearing on my face.

It was strange to become accepting to the people that had helped me out for three years. I mean, I knew that they were there, but having to raise myself after my "father" had killed my family made me less prone to accepting help from others. I scowled and glared at the table in front of me, partially wanting to find my father and ask why he did what he did or smack him over the head with a hot pan.

"I don't know if you are constipated or if you are planning someone's death, muchacha," a voice that I had known from my time here said. "If it is my brother's death, then I want in." That was followed by a yelp and a strand of cuss words.

I looked up to see two Spanish speaking males glaring at each other with the other people of my small band standing around amused. It was funny to see these two young men, Tony and Josè, up close because they looked so much alike that many people have thought they were twins. Unfortunately, or was it fortunately, they weren't. Tony was younger than Josè by two years.

Josè was twenty-four years old and stood about 6'5. He had black hair and mischievous brown eyes like his brother. The only difference between these young men was the fact that Josè had a mustache while Tony couldn't grow any facial hair except for random patches.

"Now, now you two, sit," a female, May, said. "No need to have a fight." She shoved past the men to sit beside me, her aura instantly relaxing me. Her brown eyes held wisdom that came with old age, even though she looked to be in her early thirties. Her brown hair was pulled into a bun, and there was a bit of white in her hair. However, it didn't make her look any older. "How are you, Dear?" she asked with a smile, patting my arm.

"Good," I replied watching as the two brothers fight over who will sit next me on the other side. A smirk appeared on my face when Mr. Lumpkin pushed past the two men and sat on the other side of me.

He caught me staring at him and raised an eyebrow. "What?" he asked. "They were arguing, so I just took a seat beside you."

I shook my head but didn't say a word as my eyes landed on my karate teacher. My eyes flickered, down and I bowed my head in respect. "Master Yushi," I said, causing him to nod his head.

"Bethany Ann," he said, sitting in front of me with the brothers on either side, leaving Roger to sit at the end.

"So, why this meeting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I took sip of my Coke and looked at them, my whole body a bit relaxed from it's tensed up position that had always been my norm.

Tony and Josè shifted in their seats and looked to be pretty nervous. All eyes were on the two brothers, causing me to feel what they are feeling. "We aren't human," they blurted out together, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"We aren't human," May said, calmly, causing me to look at her. She smiled warmly gestured to herself "I am a Witch. The boys are Shifters. Master Yushi is a Xing Warrior. Josh is a-"

"-Werewolf," I interrupted. My whole body was tense because I couldn't believe that they weren't Human as I thought they were. Sure, I knew that there were other species around, almost being a blood bag to a Vampire, but not knowing that the people I cared about weren't human hurt me more than I could describe.

'You knew that Mr. Lumpkin was a Werewolf," Laurie consoled. 'They probably didn't know about you knowing about Werewolves or other Creatures and wanted to protect you from the Supernatural world."

May looked at Mr. Lumpkin and raised an eyebrow. A frown was etched on her face, and I could tell that she didn't like not knowing stuff. "She knew?" she asked, her voice laced with warning.

Mr. Lumpkin shrugged and shifted in his seat. He cleared his throat and looked down. "I met her when I was in Wolf form," he said. "I thought she was a Hunter when she pulled out a silver knife, but-" He glanced at me. "-it turns out that she is a Halfbreed. She is part Werewolf."

"Hmph," May said, turning away from him and glaring at me in that "we'll talk later" fashion. "Speaking of Hunters-" She nodded to Roger. "-he is one."

My whole body tensed, and I watched Roger with cautious eyes. I knew that Hunters were dangerous because they knew about Werewolves and killed them. Me being part Werewolf was the cause of my concern, even though he didn't look fazed with this new information.

Roger didn't look mad when my cautious eyes landed on him. No, a smile appeared on his lips as he leaned back in his seat. "My grandfather worked with the man that started to work with Werewolves," he said. He frowned and got this thinking look on his face. "Dennis Wallace," he said. "His granddaughter's name is Jessica Wallace and is the mate of a David... something." He smirked. "And, I knew that you were a Werewolf. I worked with some to know that."

"And what does that mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I was a bit shocked that he knew that I was Werewolf, but a part of me was glad that he didn't care. "You are still a Hunter."

"But I work with Werewolves to take care of Rogues that are a nuisance to both the Werewolf population and Human population."

I nodded. "So, why are you telling me this now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because, we, or all but Josh, figured out that you knew about Werewolves and stuff with the mark from your mate," May replied. "I take it that the Alpha Boy is your mate?"

I nodded, touching my mark. "Yes," I said. "He is my mate."  


Answer to question of chapter: Well, apparently all of them aren't Human.

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