Chapter 25- Bethany Ann (Edited)

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I watched as Damion left the classroom, and I was sure that he had left the building, also. I could feel his anger and knew that he had read the part where the Rogues had killed my family in front of me. A small shudder ran through my spine, because I didn't know that he would've gotten that angry.

I closed my eyes and laid my head down on my desk, my head starting to hurt. Maybe I should call it quits for today, I thought before snorting. Nah, that's not going to happen. I groaned softly, not wanting to go to work today, but I knew that I had to.

Someone cleared their throat. "Hey, Bethany Ann?" the person, a male, asked. "Where did Damion go?"

I glanced up to see Damion's friend, Mike. "Outside," I said, not lifting my head from the desk. "I don't know why. He just got angry and then left."

Mike frowned but then nodded. "You know that you can trust us, right?" His brown hair stuck in different places, making me wonder how many times he ran through it in a day.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Honestly, I don't know who to trust," I replied, opening my eyes. "I've only known that I can trust myself. If I trust others..."

Mike frowned and stared into my eyes. "What happened to make you like this?" he asked, studying me to see what I had to say.

I blinked and stood when the bell rang for school to end. "Life," I replied, packing up my bag. "Life happened." I jerked my head towards the book that was on Damion's desk as well as the notes. "Tell Damion that I said that you and Chloe can only know about that made him so pissed. That will show you how I became me." With that, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom.

I knew that I could trust them, but what if they were just lying to me? What if they just cared about me for the position and not me as a person. I couldn't help but shudder at that thought. I was a person, even though I didn't act or look like it, but I did have feelings.

I was caught, basically. I was caught between my past and the fear of being used as well as my future and the fear of falling before getting hurt, again.

I just hoped that whatever Damion chose, I would be ready for whatever pain or blessing that came from being with him.


Two weeks has passed from the day that I had moved schools, and I was actually enjoying school much better. Sure, I had to wake up earlier than I would've if I had went to the school in The Hood, but I didn't really care. At least my bosses made it so I could get home at tenish so I could finish up my school work and study. I got paid a little extra, even though I had argued about it.

Dickhead, excuse my name calling. I mean Rick hasn't poked his greasy head around my apartment looking for Carrie and Donovan, but I knew that I wasn't in the clear yet. So, I settled for having a butterfly knife in my pocket as well as a switchblade in my boot.

I made sure that no one could spy it, because I really didn't want to get caught. Thankfully, this school didn't do pat downs, like the one at my old one, or else I would be in some deep trouble.

Speaking of trouble, that bitch, Cassandra, had gotten into a fist fight that she couldn't have possibly won with those heels she wore.

No one helped her, but they just watched in awe as she had gotten beaten by another female. Sadly, it wasn't me. It was me that did rescue that poor girl's ass by shoving the girl off of her and making the girl unconscious by pressing on a pressure point.

I was about to get suspended, but Damion had stopped it saying that I was just helping someone out like I would normally do. After I heard that he had done that, he had gotten a mouth full from me. I really didn't need him stepping into my business, but he did it all the time.

Ever so slowly, I was starting to figure out what my mother had meant about falling in love. I didn't know if it was because of the damn mate bond or if I was actually falling for that boy, but I knew that I couldn't see a future without him. That scared me because I didn't know if he would leave me or not.

I slammed my truck door shut, having it pop open again. This broke me from my thoughts about the past two weeks, because it was giving me problems. "Damn it," I muttered while I ran a hand through my hair, feeling exasperated. "Stupid truck." I closed the door again to watched it open up, again. "Ugh!!" I exclaimed before slamming it shut harder. This time it stayed, but the window broke. "Piece of junk." I kicked the tire before walking to my apartment building, glad for the one day holiday that my bosses had "kindly" given me.

Basically, they said that if I showed my face for work, then I was to be fired. I wasn't sure if they were serious or not, but I wasn't going to take the chances.

I took my keys and walked to my door. My whole body grew tense when I smelt alcohol as well as an unwashed male in my room. "Well, show time," I muttered to myself, praying that Damion was close by. I knew that I could hold him off for some time, but I wasn't sure how long.

I took a deep breath before opening the door, making it seem like I didn't know he was there. I knew that there would be somebody wondering as to why I didn't just walk away, but I couldn't. Rick needed to go to jail for all the abuse that he had caused on Carrie. He was a bad man, and I wasn't letting him get away.

I pushed open the door and gagged slightly at the smell. I blinked before I saw the bulk of a greasy man sitting on my bed.

He looked up, his electric blue eyes glossy. A smile was on his face, showing a lot of missing teeth. "Well," he slurred. "Look what the cat drug in."


A/N: Dun Dun Dunnnnn. Cliffie. Does anyone have any guesses that they would like to share?

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Peace out Fluffy Munchkins


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