Chapter 5- Bethany Ann (Edited)

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The first thing that Laurie did, when we got out of the kitchen was purr.

I've never heard her purr before, and my face was scrunched up in confusion, until I saw that my "mate" was sitting at the side of the restaurant where I was supposed to be serving.

He was beside a female with another male to the right of her. They were the same people as before.

Jealousy twinged my stomach, but I hid it as I made my way over to them, putting that fake smile on. I wasn't much of a smiler when it came to being with people, except when it was with someone that I cared about.

My stomach twinged in sadness, while I thought about the death of my parents and my younger brother. However, like always, I ignored the feelings, because I didn't need to think about them. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' Right?

"Hi, I'm Bethany Ann, and I'll be your server today," I said, jealousy filling my voice, but I didn't even know why. I just stared at my "mate", before glancing back at the other two. However, I glanced back at him. When he looked at me and smirked, I couldn't help but just pressed my lips tightly together. "What would you like to drink?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, while I stared at this strange male.

'He is not strange, Beth,' Laurie said. 'He is our mate.'

"I would like two Cokes and a Diet Coke, please," the other male said quickly, making me glance at him.

"Are you calling me fat?" the female asked with a huff while she folded her arms across her chest. A smile danced on her lips because the male, whom I could say that he might be her "boyfriend" got uncomfortable. "Can you scratch the Diet Coke and get me a Sweet Tea instead?" she asked, turning to look at me, a smile on her face.

A small real smile appeared on my face, while I nodded my head. "Of course," I said, writing down the Sweet Tea. I knew something like that might happen, so I didn't even write down that Diet Coke. I cleared out my throat, trying to stop a chuckle at how the male looked a little red. "I'll go get your drinks." With that I walked to get the drinks. I swayed my hips a little, knowing that I had someone watching me.

'He's your mate, and I'm sure that girl is mated to the other male.'

'You already know that I'm not going to act on the feelings until I know...'

Laurie sighed, knowing what I was thinking. 'I know. I don't want you to get hurt, either. You've been hurt too much all ready, even if it wasn't your fault.'

"Bethany Ann," a voice said, breaking me from my conversation with my wolf.

I turned around and saw a nervous female, looking at me, nervously. I raised an eyebrow wondering why she was calling on me, because most of the people here left me alone. However, sometimes they would make a snide remark behind Roger's back, and I would just make a snide comment also.

Her brown hair was pulled back in a professional bun and a small bit of it was falling in her face. She stood about 5'3 and was playing with a tray that she had in her hands. Her gray eyes were filled with nervousness, probably not knowing how to do something. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead, Lelia," I said, cautiously. I took two cups and placed them at the machine, filling the Cokes up. "If it's about boys, then it isn't for me to say anything. They're just a bit of liars or the ones that I know."

"Well... I was thinking about... doing it with... my boyfriend."

My body stiffened. I knew what "it" was. It's sex, something I didn't want to talk about it. "No, you shouldn't do it," I said. "It'll be hard to tell the person that you are married to that you did... you know."

That was the wrong thing to tell her. "Well, he loves me, and I do want to marry him," she said. She folded her arms across her chest, her jaw set out stubbornly. She narrowed her eyes, her whole body tensing. "And what if you don't know anything? I'm not sure that you've even done it."

I cringed a little. That was the wrong thing that she could say to me. "I didn't... understand it at the time," I said, slowly. "After he left..." I shrugged my shoulder, not wanting to talk about it. There was a small growl, but I didn't pay attention to it. Confusion filled my eyes, which confused Lelia, because, I never showed emotion. "It was all I've ever known..." I looked at her dead in the eye, knowing that my eyes might've turned a little silver, because she flinched a little. "Don't ever say that I don't know what it is like. It is something that I don't like to bring up. My fiancé figured it out when I didn't to want do it in the beginning of our relationship. Now, he's somewhere with the Navy, and I haven't heard from him since." I heard a possessive growl and smirked.

Lelia sighed and ran a hand through her hair, realizing what I meant. "I'm sorry," she said. "I-I guess you are right. What should I do?"

"If he doesn't want to wait, then dump him. Just don't lose your virginity. You can't get it back." With that I turned around and walked with the drinks on a tray over to where the group was.


"I'm sorry about the wait. Here are your drinks," I said as I started to put the drinks on the table in front of who. I ignored the black eyes, filled with lust, that looked right at me and seemed to follow me. My whole body stiffened a little, making the female besides him, jab him in the ribs, breaking eye contact with me.

Their eyes seemed to glaze a little, but I didn't know why or what the hell was going on.

The female seemed to break it first and look at me with a smile on her face. "It's no problem," she said. She looked at my hand and saw a diamond ring that was on my left hand, where a wedding ring goes. "May I see it?" she asked, faking an awe sound. She looked at me with some knowledge, as if to guess that I wasn't really betrothed to someone else.

I hesitantly took it off and handed it to her. "My fiancé had it engraved and picked it out before he was sent over seas," I said, shrugging my shoulder. I faked a pride look as I "thought" of him. "He's a sailor. And he said that when he's out of the Navy, and I'm out of college we'll settle down and hopefully marry."

The female looked inside the ring. "'Andy, my love'," she said. "It's a female's ring, so I'm guessing that the owner of this ring was female. Her name was Andy, since yours is Bethany Ann." A smirk appeared on her face as I shot her a 'shut up' look.

"It's my mothers," I said through gritted teeth, while she handed it back to me. "It's the only thing I have left of her and my step-father, because both of them were killed." I placed it back on my finger, my body shaking a little as I tried to keep a sob down.

I've not cried since the day that they had been killed by mangy, low-life Werewolves along with my half brother. My step-father had always told me to protect my younger brother. I've tried and had gotten some scratches on them before one flung me against a wall, almost making me unconscious.

The male's face fell as his eyes turned back to the green color. "I-I'm sorry to hear that," he said hoarsely. He cleared his throat and looked down. "Should we change the subject?"

I grunted a little in reply. "What would you like to eat?" I asked getting back down into business mode. I took out my pen and notepad before looking at them, waiting for them to order.

My scar stung a little as a small bit of the night flashed through my head. I could still feel the fear that I had felt as if I was just doing what I did while I watched them kill my family.

What had I done to them? Well, except for the fighting and trying to save them. Other than that what had I done to them that I had to have this cruel punishment? Why didn't they just kill me like they did the others?

I can still remember four words that one of them said before they took off, leaving me unconscious. 'Your father says hi.'


A/N: Dun Dun Dunnn. :)

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