Season 2 (Gold in Avonlea?)

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Oiay well its the next day, Annabeth and I have just finished our lesson for the day, today mother taught us more about proper etiquete, whatever the heck that means.

The rest of the day has basically been me in my room just reading, I have been trying to find new topics that I could research to expand my knowledge and I may have just found one that I am interested in, Geography.

I don't know what it is, I just find it so facinating, learning the history of every place and how it came to be is so exciting, I have been learning about so many new places Asia, Europe, though I am particulary drawn to South America, it is just so amazing, the culture, the food, the people, its all just so... riveting. I wonder if Anne will find this interesting, she very well could, she is always most interested in other peoples fantastical stories as she like to put it, thats it I'm going to her.

"Mother I am oing to Annes to... talk with her bye!" I ran out the door before she could protest, you see mother isn't very... progressive, or not as much as I'd like, she thinks a woman is to be see and not listend to, she thinks it is our job to clean and take care of the children and make sure everything is all rainbows and dandlions for our husbands, yeah, not me. I think a womans place is not behind a man and not even beside one, we define who we are man or not, of course I have not voiced this because I would surely get punished, I'm sure there are people who agree with me, I mean there has to be, right? Yes I am certain there has to be, I bet Anne agrees as well, maybe I should ask her how she feels one da- "oh jesus" I tripped over a root on the ground and hit my knee, wonderful. I stood up dusting myself off and looking down to my to my dress, I have a smudge of dirt on it, not a big deal to me but others don't feel exactly the same way it seems, mother would definitely have a fit, great just another reson to be vexed at me, I looked torwards the sky noticing it was getting darker, I didn't think I left so late, I must have spent longer eading thean I expected, I guess I can get caught in my own world sometimes.

I hurried off the rest of the trail to quickly get to Annes just before the sun went down, there was no point in going home now anyway, I ran up to the door knocking a few times, Marilla opened the door and looked at me in surprise, "Good evening Ms. Cuthbert" I said cheerfuly "Good evening to you as well y/n" I smiled at her "is Anne at hime?" "oh dear you may not have heard, evryone is going to a meeting in town, there seems to be something everyone needs to discuss, everyone including Anne, Mathew and I are heading there, would you like to join us it would be a pleasure".

I stood there confused, there was a meeting and Mother hadn't told me? I don't know if she hadn't told me because I'm a child or if she simply forgot, I wouldn't be surprised at any of them honestly.

"Yes Marilla that would be positively lovely, thank you very much!" she nodded and let me in "Anne! Y/N is here, she will be accompanying us to the meeting" Marilla called, Anne ran downstairs quickly hugging me.

"y/n so good to see you! Can you wait for this meeting?! I already no whats its about of course but all of us kids will havr to evesdrop from upstairs" she said the last part so only I could hear, I looked at her confused "you already know?" "yes but we have to go now, everyone will find out tonight so it dosen't matter right now" she grabbed my hand pulling me out the door and helping me into the cairage, MAthew and Marilla got seated as well and we began the ride over to town hall.

We got there relatively quickly, both Anne and I quickly heading upstairs to get our spots and join the rest of the kids to listen in on the adults, "oh Anne! Y/N! Over here!" Diana said, we both scurried over and sat down beside her, Ruby and her were already having a conversation when we sat down "do you think we'll all be rich like you Diana?" Ruby asked, rich? Why would we be rich? "Ruby what are you talking about?" everyone looked at me "Nate thinks there is gold in Avonlea, he tested the soil, we could all be sitting on a fortune.

Father is very intrigued by the prospect of it" I stared at her, shock written all over my face "Gold? In Avonlea, no that can't be right" right? It can't be, that Nate guys has to be lying, I still don't trust him and I don't trust this all "why of course it is y/n we-" she stopped talking as the adults started the meeting, all of us quicly turning to look at them.

Mr. Andrews, Billy Andrew's father, was the first for me to hear "Now sir, just how would we proceed?" he asked "Well each land owner would get a sample of their soil and bring it in for testing in New York, now I will say that this is expensive, its $150 per test" I gasped and everonein the room began talking before Nate stopped them "yes I do agree that this is an investment but it would be an investment in the future" he continued to ramble on about it but I wasn't listening.

"Someone needs to tell Gilbert" I heard Anne say, I perked up, "Gilbert?" "yes someone has to tell him about the gold, and I think y/n should be the one to do so" I looked at her confused but she only smirked, raising her eyebrow at me in question. "Why on earth would it be me to write a letter to him? Why not you Anne?" I challenged, she fired back just as fast though "I think we can all agree that y/n is very well spoken and will get the message across the best" everyone nodded in agreement, even Ruby, I sighed "lets say I did, how would I even know where to look?

Wait! I could talk to Aunt Josephine! She could look at the ships manifest and see where he is!" I began getting excited that I might be able to talk to Gilbert for the first time in months.

"y/n come on we need to get paper we must do this as soon as possible" she grabbed my hand and followed her outside and down to her house.

I had no paper at mine and I haven't for a while, all I have are my books, Anne and I ran upstairs, her checking one side of her room while I checked the other, finding nothing we both turned around walking out only this time she pulled me into another room, "check for paper" I nodded looking around, "y/n, I've found some!" she called me over, I quickly went over seeing her pull out two slips of paper before finding a stamper, "is this Nates room? Why does he have this stuff?" I asked "no clue but it works" I nodded as she stamped the symbol onto the sheets, "why two?" "incase you mess up not that you will but just to be safe" I nodded and we walked back downstairs.

"Thank you for helping me with this Anne, I will write and send it as soon as I can" she nodded hugging me, "do you need help getting back? Its pretty dark out" I shook my head hugging her one last time before walking out and soon getting home.

It seemed my family had gone to that meeting too but I was home first, thank the gods, maybe I won't get scolded tonight. I got ready for bed before sitting town with a candle by me, god I need to write something but I have no clue how to even start this, how am I supposed find the right words for this letter?

An: 1422 words! Thank you guys soooooooooo
fucking much for 100 reads! It means so much to me!
You are all absolutely amazing and worthy I want
all of you to know that. I hope everyone is doing
well! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I don't feel
like I did this chapter very well so I'm sorry about
that! Happy Reading Bookworms!

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