The End

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                                                                                                                        Four Years Later

"Gil! Guess who I just saw?" I asked as I walked through the door, Gilbert was usually home around this time and if I didn't tell him every detail about my day then he would ask about four times.

It was only because he knew how excited I would get when I told him all of my new ideas for books.

"Was it Anne again?" he snickered as he came into view.

I shook my head with a chuckle "No. You would think that as a doctor you would be smarter than that."

"You got me there, y/n/n, who did you see?" he asked, taking a seat on the couch he came and sat next to me.

I took a deep breath before saying it, "Ka'kwet" his mouth fell open and his eyes widened.

"You mean to tell me that Kw'kwet from four years ago escaped and still lives nearby?".

I nodded happily "Aluk said something about coming into the mountains but I never thought it woukd be so close!".

"Was she happy to see you?" it was a valid question, although both Anne and I went to the 'school' to see if she was still there that was about as far as we could go.

"Actually yes, she was so happy when she saw me as was I when I saw her safe and happy." it almost made me tear up to think what she must have gone through but I pushed through it, this is a happy day.

"I need to write Anne!".

He nodded "But won't you see her tomorrow?"

"This is faster, I told Ka'kwet I would bring her as soon as I could and I intend to keep that promise.".

"Alright then, if you say so."

We talked for another hour before I decided it was time to tell him.

Lately I had this crazy idea for a book, I thought about it over and over again and all of the aspects that would go into it.

I have published books that sold extremely well and with it I was able to travel and write more novels and it helped Gilbert help people in other countries with his amzing skills but now I may have the best idea yet.

I knew he could tell I had been thinking on it for a while, he always told me that I had a certain look to my face when I had gotten a strike of inspiration.

He thought it was cute but I told him it was serious work being this good to which he laughed at.

I also denyed that I had the look but when Anne overheard the conversation she helped Gilbert, she even compared it to the faces of her students when they finally understood something.

I had to admit that that one was pretty funny and did make me laugh, she now taught class for younger kids that then would go to Stacy after.

Stacy and I had also maintained an amazing relationship, I had called her mom accidentaly more times than I can count and her and Bash seem to like each other even if they won't admit it.

We still go to dinner every weekend and Delly has grown so much, she is already so much like Mary and Bash its ridiculous.

Somehow without even meeting Mary she just inherited some of the ways she does things, I have no doubt that she'll be able to handle herself when the time comes.

I was pulled from my revere when Gilbert tapped me lightly on the shoulder.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I should have known that you'd be able to tell."

"I always am, so tell me. What is on your mind?"

I took in a deep breath before answering.

"So I have this idea for a book, but I'll need your help and to tell me if I can or not." he seemed hesitant but he nodded nonetheless.

"What is this book about?"

"Well it would be the love story of a feisty red-head and a rather dashing but oblivious boy and the obstacles they face." he seemed to understand what I meant and a small smile lit his face.

"Thats not how the story went though."

"They don't need to know that." he let out a chuckle.

"Okay, lets say that you do write this novel with my help and I'm sure with Annes. What would it be called?"

A large smile split across my face.

"Anne of Green Gables".

                                                                                                                                           The End

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