Season 2 (Mary)

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I chased after Anne as we went straight to our area in the woods as soon as we were able. I had to stop for a second, dang this girl is quick, I walked the rest of the way sitting down as they talked.

"I'm never going back" Cole said as I sat, I looked over at him "this may sound odd but why does MR. Phillips seem to despise you so much?" I asked Cole seemed to think for a bit before he sighed and spoke.

"He wanted to hurt me today... because he couldn't punish himself. For being like me" he spoke like it was some sort of riddle. I could tell Anne was just as confused "Like you?" she asked "I'm... the same as Josephine Barry" a wide grin lit my face "but with..." "boys" Anne finished.

Anne placed a supportive hand on his arm "Thank you for sharing that with me" she said "with us" I gave him a thankful smile.

He ruturned it and looked between Anne and I "I think Mr. Phillips is too, but he doesn't want to be" "so he's marrying Prissy" Cole nodded "Life is very complicated" Anne said "then again its very simple. Love who you love and be with them" I nodded at Anne in full agreement "its against the law to be like me" "well the law is crap anyway" I replied.

Suddenly Annes eyes seemed to shine "I've just had the most brilliant idea! If the time comes and we haven't found our romantical kindered spirits, I propose that we propose to each other. You'll be an artist in all ways of your choosing, and I'll be... well I'll be something that thrills me too" "A union of equals" Cole said.

I lookded at them both "yeah, I'm just a gohst so you can just disregaurd me" I teased, they both smiled looking over before Annes smile quickly turned into a smirk "oh y/n, I wouldn't worry about your kindered spirit, I have a feeling they are closer than you think" I looked to her confused before looking over to Cole with a raised eyebrow.

He too had a smirk on his face but just shrugged and look back to Anne as she held out her pinky to him "Indivisuals together" they locked their hands "Free spirits living their true lives" Cole smiled at her while my mind was still reeling.

They continued to chat while I sat pondering every person I had recently met, what in the hell did she mean by that?! Had I met someone who would be my kindered spirit? Had I not seen it yet? Were they already in my life or was she some kind of magic oracle?!

My mind was spinnign even as I walked home, even as I sat down for bed, my mind even made up scenarios where I had met them but they hated me with a passion and would never feel the same.

I jolted a bit at the bitter scent I smelled "oh!" I jolted up as I saw Bash putting on his coat and the Doctor standing "I'm not convinced medicine is for you Blythe" Bash said as he continued with his jacket.

"What happend?" "You fainted" the doctor handed me a glass of water while I still sat on the floor "you want to be a doctor eh? You sure? It's never pretty" he asked while I took a sip trying to regain my bearings.

"He has a knack for it, most of the time" Bash commented "well this is exciting news" the doctor said. I stood up setting the glass down "his nose is always in a book these days. Ready Blythe?" he asked finally getting his jacket all the way on, I stayed scilent, what if... just maybe.

I looked over to the doctor "Dr Ward? Do you need an apprentice? Maybe I could help around here every now and again and in exchange you could help me craft a study plan? I promise I won't keep fainting" I added quickly, I could hear Bash laugh a bit behind me but tried to keep my focus on Dr Ward.

"It would be my pleasure to mentor you. I've been thinking I might like to share my practice someday" I nodded happily, finally I could start with something solid, not just that terrible teacher.

"Ah settled, lets go to the Bog" Bash said standing from the chair "I've never seen anyone in such a hurry to get to a slum" Bash put on his heavier jacket and held his hat in the other hand "I imagine its a beutiful place where black people dance beutifully in the snow" Bash started laughing loudly.

I looked over to the doctor a hint of confusion shown clearly on my face "He's fine, just a little landnum" he said chuckling a bit, "what do I owe you doctor?" Bash asked while failing again to put his other sleeve on "no charge, if Gilbert will help clean up around here. I've got some time before my next patient if you'd like to start our discussion too" I looked hesitantly at Bash.

"Could you meet me back here in an hour?" I asked hoping for a yes "you can come and fetch me, if you can find me, I'm going to blend in" he laughed again stumbling torwards the door, I laughed as he hurried out before turning once again to face Dr Ward. "Where do we start?".

Fianlly! I walked into the laudry house seeing him standing no pants on in a room full of women.

Oh Bash what are you doing?

"I've been looking all over for you! What happend? Why are you standing half-naked in a room full of women?" Bash looked around a bit before looking back to me with a smile "Fortune finally smiled upon me. Ladies, this is my friend and business partner Gilbert Blythe" I looked around before I remembered my manners.

"Forgive me" I took the hat from my head "Pardon me" the women looked me over as if deciding something, one closest to Bash gave me a nod followed by the other women nodding as well, maybe in approval?

The one closest to Bash looked at him "And you are?" "Name is Sebastian, you can call me Bash, Bastian, Trini, whtever you like" I saw the woman smile a bit though she tried her best to hide it.

"Turns out theres no train until tomarrow, so we'll need to find a hotel. Can you reccomend one?" I asked trying my best to be polite "Caters to black folks?" a woman farther asked "Good luck" the woman we were talking with walked over grabbing something befor standing again "I know someone... who has a room. She lets it out to peoeple in need" "Mmhmm" she gave a look to the other woman.

She walked over handing Bash a pair of striped pants "These were never claimed" he let them unravel then held them up "I wonder why not" "best I can offer". Bash nodded "what is this someone's name who takes in wayward travelers?" Bash asked purring on the pants, the woman looked at him "Mary".

An: 1206 Words! Thank you so much
for all of the recent reads and votes!
They mean so much! I feel like I'm
thanking you guys every chapter! I
think that just represents how truly
wonderful you all are! As always
leave any questions, suggestions,
comments, or concerns! I hope you
enjoyed this chapter! Happy
Reading Bookworms!

P.S. Happy Valentines day! Even
if it is a bit late, whoops!

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