Season 1 (School)

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"Y/N wake up up or we'll miss school!" Annabeth yelled, I quickly got up and put on a n/c (nice color) dress, I smoothed it out before grabbing my brush and a matching ribbon, sense I have few dresses everytime I would get a time to ask for something it would always be a same or simmilar colored ribbon to at least one of my dresses.

I brushed out my hair and tied my ribbon in a half up and half down style, I made sure it sated in place, and then got my shoes on. I had 2 pairs of shoes, one for special occasions, the other for an everyday pair. I looked in the mirror and saw that this dress brought out my e/c eyes, I don't know why I have never noticed that before.

I grabbed the slate and books sitting on the the floor before hurrying downstairs to make a small lunch that I could take to school. "Y/N your sister has left with some of the girls in her grade, they did go early though so you have time" my mother said, at least she knows how to make me not as anxious, I guess thats a plus.

I nodded and made a simple luch, a sliced apple, a sandwhich, and some milk. I packaged all of it into a luch carrier and put my hat on. "Have good first day y/n" my dad called out "I will", I shut the door and began the walk, thankfully I had see the school on the ride here so I knew basically how to get to it.

As I walk I take in the scenery around me, it really is quite beutiful, the trees are marvolous and animals are so beutiful. "Well hello there little lady" I here a voice behind me, I whip around so fast I was surprised I didn't hurt myself, "uh hi....?" "Billy Andrews is my name miss" he said "oh well... good morning, I should be getting to school though" I turned and walked as fast as I could, I just had a bad feeling about him "woah there, whats your name" he said jogging to catch up with me, "I rather not say at the moment, I think I'm just going to walk to school... alone if you don't mind" I sped up again. This time though he grabbed my arm.

"Just tell me your name" he said tightning his grip a bit, it was starting to hurt, I thought over my options. I could tell him my name and he might leave me alone but then he thinks he can do whatever he wants, or I could not tell him my name and I could possibly not only be late on my fisrt day but he could hurt me.

The more I pondered, the tighter he gripped my arm, it was throbbing now, I had to make a fast descion, I spotted a stick close to my feet and quickly grabbed it, before he could do anything I smacked his hand with it and he released me.

I dropped the stick and began to run. "You little freak! why would you do that?!" he yelled after me "get away from me Billy!" I yelled but I could still feel him on my tail and it was getting harder to maintain my speed.

He soon caught up latching onto my arm again "let me go!" I yelled desperately, I was sacred now, "aw is little freak scared?" he questioned, I had tears threatning to leak now, that is until I heard some leaves crunch "Is there a problem here?" I heard a boy say, I turned my head seeing a tall boy his hair was brown and curly and he was wearing a hat with his school bag in one hand and nothing in the other, a questioning look on his face.

"Get out of here Blythe, this does not concern you" Billy said, his grip was again tightning on the same arm in the same place, I would surely have a bruise, I looked at the boy with pleading eyes, I was out of options now, he looked at me and then to Billy again. "Let her go Billy, I'm sure you don't want to explain to Mr. Phillips why we were all late, but if you let her go we won't have to" Billy thought it over for a second before running off.

I smiled rubbing my arm a bit, it was quite sore. I looked over to the boy "thank you very much, I really must be going though" I said "really no more dragons to slay" he smiled, I shook my head smiling a bit, I began running to make it school, "miss whats your name?" I heard him call after me but I was already gone.

I finally made it to school without a second to spare, the boy who helped me not long after, in fact close enough in time to think that we had walked together, which we did not.

"Miss" I turned and saw the boy again but I tried not to pay much attention, "what is your name?" I turned around not able to ignore him any longer, he seemed nice enough, he would find out soon anyway, "Its y/n y/l/n whats yours?" he smiled "Gilbert, Gilbert Blythe" I nodded and walked up to the school house, as I was reaching for the door handle someone grabbed it first, once again it was Gilbert, "allow me" he opened the door and I walked into the school house. All of the girls quickly came up to me while all of the boys swarmed around Gilbert.

"Hello I'm Diana Barry and this is Anne Shirley Cuthbert" A girl with beutiful Raven Hair and a blue dress said gesturing to her friend beside her, she had amazing read hair that was in two braids and a nice brown dress.

I nodded and smiled "I'm y/n y/l/n and can I just say Diana your dress is absolutly extrordinary and Anne your hair is so beutifully uniqe and pretty" they both blushed " thank you very much y/n I have always hated this dreadful red but now I feel a bit better" I nodded and Diana gave me a gracious smile "yes thank you very much" the other girls came over but they looked angry.

"Why were you walking with him?!" A blonde haired girl in a purple dress came up while comforting a smaller blonde haired girl dressed in pink, "with who?" I asked "Gilbert Blythe! You are not to walk with him, Ruby has had dibs on him for 3 years!" she said.

I looked at Diana confused "This is Josie Pye and Ruby Gillis" she pointed to both of them, I nodded, "I wasn't walking with him" "we saw you! you talked to him and he opend the door for you!" Josie said, Ruby still crying, "He talked to me and I aswered, I did not walk with him at all and I will try to stay my distance, trust me I do not like him in anyway okay?" I asked they nodded and Diana and Anne helped me put my things away and they brought me to a place to sit.

I knew this day would not be easy, and it only just started.

Second Chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!
1244 words this time!!!!
I hope it was good
As always give me suggestions!
I will keep updating
Have fun reading Bookworms!

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