Season 3 (Demonstration)

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We began to march in our little group, waving our cloths and yelling as we went. Some had bells to ring while we marched and the people walking along the path were recruited to join us "Come on!" I waved some people in and then joined into the back of the group.

Anne and I were at the front of the march with Stacy and the others not far behind,  "Everyone to town hall!" Anne shouted to the people we passed, the more places we passed the louder it got and the more people came to join.

When we got there, Marilla and Mathew stopped the cairage and let us crowd around to grab a sign, once I was sure most people had theirs I began directing "Okay, follow Anne and I! We're heading in!" I turned to lead the group, Gilbert coming up beside me and helping to guide people thorugh the doors of the hall.

I walked with my head held high at the front of the group, the others followed closely, each of us radiating confidence while we watched the shocked expressions of the men trying to censor us "What in blazes is going on here?" one man asked.

"Excuse me!" I almost forgot Rachel would be here, I shrugged a bit when we passed her "There is a meeting in session!" we ignored her and went behind the curtain on the stage.

"If you don't mind!"

"For heavens sake"

"What the devil is--"

I stepped out before the man could finish "Well what a lovely morning it is. I hope everyone is ready." I let Anne come to stand beside me for her part.

She came and stood happily at my side "What you are about to witness is an organized action." Anne explained before looking to me with a smile.

"This is an outrage, that's what it is! How dare you--"

"They have a right to their say!" Marilla shouted, cutting the man off abruptly. I would have laughed at the shocked expression on the mans face in any other situation but I manage to stay composed, I looked out over the crowd of people before Anne spoke "We are not here to provoke..." Anne trailed off when we both spotted Josie.

I smiled at her, I guess that apology went better than I expected, she looked between us with questioning eyes.

Anne and I nodded at the smae time and let her join us on stage, I spoke next "We are simply here to be heard. Though you may have tried to silence us..." I waited for the other two to pull open the curtain.

They unvailed our... demonstration if you will "as you can see, we have a message for all of you." they walked forward, the cloths now tyed in their mouths to symbolize the silence that was forced on us, and signs in hand that said 'Freedom of speech is a human right'.

I stood off to the side with Anne while Josie was on the opposite side, waiting to see what everyone thought, it was silent for a long moment before the men finally spoke "Oh come along now" one said marching up to us "Thats quite enough" he reached up trying to pry the sign from Prissy but she held tight, yet another reason she is such an inspiration, or at least I think so.

When he couldn't he moved onto Tillie and tried taking it form her "Come on, get down from ther-" a large flash went off and the men went silent.

I looked to Stacy with a smile, she returned it before I looked back to Gilbert, watching him walk forward with that list from before "Thanks for the suggestions." he stared the man in the eye as he ripped the paper straight down the middle.

I let out a wide grin while others gasped, the man tried to seem unfazed but with Gilberts towering height it was pretty much impossible to not be slightly intimidated... unless you're me, obviously.

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