Season 2 (Decorating)

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We got to the town hall the next day and began preparing for our schools play. I personally would not be in it but I stayed to help set up props and things backstage.

Cole was doing the decorations, some of the smaller kids were singing, as for the girls and I, well, I hadn't yet seen Diana but Anne was practicing her dance with the other kids, she was going to be a tree.

I decided that I wanted to help with building the props, I knew I would be hassled by the boys but I thought it would be a good experience and a way to show that I can do what I set my mind to.

I had already began hammering things in place when Billy walked over. This was gonna be good, "what are you doing?" he looked at me then to the wood and tools in my hand, "Gee Billy, what does it look like I'm doing hmm, building props" he scoffed "I'd hardly say you-" "Hey y/n" I turned around at the voice. "Oh, hey Gilbert, whats up?" I asked "nothing, just got a little bored, Billy shouldn't you be building?" Gilbert turned to him, "I-uh, well I guess" I stifled a laugh, he got red and walked off.

I burst into giggles as soon as he walked away "thank you for that" I laughed, Gilbert shrugged his shoulders and gave me a small smile before turning and going back to his job while I turned back to mine.

I turned at the sudden giggles I heard from the other side of the room, looks like Diana and the others have made it, they all gave each other hugs and I smiled at the interaction, these were the days that I actually enjoyed.

I saw Anne guiding Mathew over to look at some of our spare clothes, I was still working and since I wasn't paying attention I accidentaly hit the hammer on my finger. I hissed quickly pulling my hand away, looking down on it I could already see it beginning to bruise. Thats gonna sting later, I shook my head, 'I need to focus' I turned back to my work and began hammering down again.

It was long after that, that everyone began filing out, I set down my tools in their station and put away the few props I had made, I think I made good progress, about four done today. I gathered my things and began to walk out, today was rather fun I must say, feels good to do something other than sewing or baking with my hands, "Well of it isn't miss y/l/n" I groaned "Billy, what a terrible surprise, what do you want?" I turned around, there was no ignoring him, if I did I'm afraid he might try to grab me again.

"What's with the attitude?" I glared at him "Billy, it seems you're just so obsessed with me, it can be annoying sometimes" his jaw clenched at that and I smirked, "now if you don't mind I will be on my way" I tried to turn but he latched onto my wrist. Why does this always have to happen?! I looked aroundsearching for a way out but to no avail "Billy, would you please get your filthy hand off me?" I asked trying to pry his grasp from my wrist.

He shook his head "No, I don't think I will" he tried to pull me with him but I planted my feet, resisting "I swear I will scream if you don't let me go Andrews" I spoke my jaw clenching and my eyes narrowing to slits. He laughed trying to pull me with him again, I opened my mouth to scream but I didn't get the chance "Is there a problem here?" I looked over breathing a sigh of releif when I saw Gilbert.

He stood with his jaw tightly clenched and his arms foled across his chest, Billy stopped, "This does not concern you Blythe" Gilbert scoffed "I don't know how you have not been able to get it through your head that if you are hurting someone, it is my issue, now let go of her" his voice got darker torwards the end.

"Fine Blythe" he let me go and I stumbeled back "next time you won't be so lucky" he hissed, I gulped stepping further away. "You alright?" I turned seeing Gilbert look at me, worry showing in his eyes, "Yeah, thanks to you" I chuckeled a bit, "let me walk you home" my heart sped up and I could feel my cheeks get red and this time not from the cold.

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