Season 2 (Potato)

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Safe to say that Anne may have not made the... best impression on the new teacher, which is okay I think, Anne is very eccentric and sometimes that comes across wrong to others but I beleive Miss Stacy will find a way to understand that.

She seems different from all of the other women in this town and I like that, a free spirit if you will.

Not brought down by what others may think of her and perfectly okay to be herself, which is very simmilar to Anne might I say, that and she is smart and understanding so I'm sure with a little effort the two will be just fine.

I may have to help Anne a bit but I'm sure she'll find her way some how, she always does whether with my help or without, sometimes I think she'd be better off witho- nope not the time.

Yeah... what I had thought may not be going entirely to plan.

Apparently Anne had to do a special assignment and it got burned up and she has to redo it. How do I know?

Take a wild guess, I was nosy for the fifth time this week, I had gone to school rather early this morning to talk with Miss Stacy but when I got there, Anne and Marilla were already telling her all about the essay fire.

Since I didn't want to interupt I decided to just go to my normal chair and sit down maybe catch up on some light reading.

Before I did though I caught a glimpse of Gilbert from the corner of my eye, I guess he felt my eyes on him because he glanced up and looked over at me.

Instead of looking away like usual though, I held the stare a light smile came to his lips and put one of my own on my face, he really did have an excellent smile.

One that could make my heart pratically melt. He was the first to look away and I resumed my walk to my seat, I was rereading one of my old books again, this one a classic book of poetry.

I could just get lost in its pages all day, making up more and more scenarios where someone would say such beutiful words to me, where someone could love me that much, I know its silly to think that way but one could only dream.

Not that I want a romance in my life, to the contrary really, I want to travel the world, study far away and distant lands, then come back and share my new gathered intel in marvelous tales and educational series.

I mean I guess I wouldn't be opposed if someone came along on my travels but I know that I could do just fine on my own, I don't need someone to help or look out for me.

The only problem with this life that I want is my mother, she would never allow such a thing. I wouldn never let her stand in the way of my life and happiness but with that said... I still love her and my family dearly and I don't want to have a bad relationship with them.

If something did happen while I was traveling then the last memory they may have of me would be me being a dissappointment like always and I don't want that.

"Alright class. Lets begin" I jumped a bit, startled at the voice, I guess I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I hadn't relized the other kids streaming in and gathering their things.

I had been sitting at a desk by the window so I quickly got up and joined the circle that had been made on the ground that was also quickly joined by Gilbert, I guess he was a little out of it to, to my left I also noticed Marilla standing by the blackboard, I guess she's just staying...?

Okay then, Miss Stacy came to the front where the circle had been open for her to stand and we began our lesson for today. "Science changes the world for the better. Does anyone know what electrcity is?" as she talked, we all gathered at a table by the front of the room, it was lined with potatos and other things that I'm assuming will help us today.

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